LONDON,, My 19 The C&ppa&hkL,, outwai'd! 'bound, was thricw torpedoed on Wednesday oli the -Irish' O>ast, and' sank quickly.. The only casuaiti'es were tive fireuien, who* are believed to, ha,ve been killed!- by explosion',. Over two hundred' were aiboard, 57 being pas-
sengers. lih© ikr&t torpedo strudk the ship just a<& breaiki'ast wag finished^ the
1 second one, two minutes later, expdoided- near- tih© engine-rooin.. The tliird struck the gunners' room. A big explosion^ followed. Tine sub-niaa-ine was visible, a big two-miasted) ship of the latest type. j The fii-&t torpedo daniagedl the i wireless, and it was impossible to call for help. There was 110. panic,, and) all wvere in the boats within fifteen [ aninutes. A warsixip rescued' the survivors at mid-dlay. A sailor says i the s'ubmairine tradned her guns on, 1 the boats, and would have fired' bu/fc for the timely .arrival of a minesweeper. Tne third engineer andl the boiler master, though badly ! scalded, gallantly stood by the engines long enough to bring tihe vessel to a standstill, enabling the boats t*> be launched without delay.—iA 1. •and N!Z. Cable. •
Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 3
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