Photography UNTIL FUETHEE NOTICE. q cabinets" c~ d ENAMELLED Foy Bros/ Studio. J M, FOY, Photosbaphbb. T7IRBT.OLABS WORK ONLY. Opalette 1 Pictures, Enlargements, and all kinds of Photograph'c work executed with the least possible delay. B@- GROUPS and PORTRAITS o OHILDBBN a SPBOIALITY. TELEPHONE No. 66.' O CABINETS ff ENAMELLED Bnelness Notices 5..A. Pearce Plumber, Gasfitter, and
Tinsmith, T^ESIRSS to intimate to hiß FRIENDS JL> and. the PUBLIC Generally that he has now COMMENCED BUSINESS In the Premises recently occupied by Mr P. WAitß (next to Fox Broa.', Photographers), Acd is row PEEPAKED to RECEIVE ORDERS for all Descriptions of PLUMBING, GASFHTIN, &cGh JWotice. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, POLLEN STREET, HAS EEMOVED into HIS OLD SHOP, (Next to Bane Beothebs), And will be pleased to see the faces of his Old Customers and new Patrons
N.B.—lb would be esteemed a favor if ALL OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS oould be SETTLED with bb little delay as possble.
— THE — Meigh' The first Bacing Safety ridden by A. A. Zimmerman, on which he became Champion of the World. f"pHEY are as famous for their Durability X as Speed. Over 2300 Prizes won during 1893. Weight from 2 Lib. Catalogues from the Sole Agont North Island, W. M. SERVICE, AUCKLAND. LOCAL AGENT— H. L. WEIGHT, POILSN StBSI , BY SPECIAL rfce £, £i*b APPOINTMENT. H. OEUST. -SdPSllilh o. S. O WEN. New Zealand Express Company (CAMPBELL and CEUST), S&EBIEBS, CUSTOMS, & EXPRESS FOHWAROING AEETO. Established a Quarter of a Centurj, Branches: Auckland, Chbistohuboh, Dun* DIJCT, iNTBEOIB&ni,, QaMABU, WlI/lINQ* ton. Agenoiei in upwards of 50 towns _ in fche eoiony and abroad. HAVING opened a Braaoh of their business in Auckland are now prepared Jo DBUVfiR PABOELS, PACKAGES. Ktr., from thore to Thames ao under :— 81b 71b lit 2£i. 3ft 4ft 6ft 6d 9d, 1/-, 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9 And upwards at a slight increase, Oirder from Auckland, Christchurcb,Dunediri and Wellington through the Expbbbs Co. PAECELS, PACKAGES, Eto, forwarded aThrough and Xized Bates to any addresi ia the World. JEUtM and all information on application to \ JAMES FERGUSOJN, ?iicv Boas, Thamm, , . AGENT.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 7
Thames Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4523, 2 September 1893, Page 1
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