B& Hi idß^^B j^O^Bcm Mm/ ||HH 7 •'•■'■' ' ' :^^^^^^m'l^B^^^m^&^^B-^B u^H y^^^^P^j^B^j|r^%^ C#®MDATE&C' WJtt&UBUytEDALS BWB l _ CELEBRATED3cTHE BESTi TOf^INIHANTCHIW^CEra PROCURABLEI g
General Kotices
Jas Patersoii; PLIIMBER, CASFITTER, TINSMITH OOSHBB 07 COCHEANE ir POLLEN SIS. B'SGS to inform the Publio of tb« Th»xn«i that ALL WORK intruiUd to him wil) b# Ponotually ttended to at Reasonable Bate£, At A in r Workmanlike manner? also tknt; hi fccepi in Stock CHIMKBYS from 22s 6d ecob, Plunge, Hip, and Sponge BATBB, Corrugated Iron TAHFS, COI.OWIAL OTBKS, FUBFACE FEAMIS, Copper BOILEBS, OOE. HUGATBD IRO^ BWQWQ (Plwn-Mic •■I?««! Idgffd), Leßdßosd NATXB, SPODTI»G.;: DOWITPIPES, BHSJ?:! 1 I-JBAP. . WFO, WATEBPIPES, fto TEON GVBTBD for TEBJJKPAKS to *ry Pskttcy», at the SMrUsi .Frs'w KYBISSBe fop Jrnit ©ro^ew—CbcßP s Medical
Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Colds, Coughs, and all Derangemeula of the Throat and Chest. ' All sufferers from coughs, colas, bronchitis, asthma, and irregular action of the heart are s earnestly recommended to rub Holloway's search- . ing Ointment well over the throat, breast, and tack, as the case may require, twice a day. Tin* Ointment is the most efficacious remedy for 0& . internal and external ailments of the throat. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Ulcers, Abscesses, Wounds, and Sores 1 of all kinds May be: tfaoryagnly healed by the application of t»is Ointment to the parts affected, after they havo been, dujy fpmented with •warm water. Under ; fbe actiqa of thjs po-werful Ointment, aided .by the Pjllij, all depraved humours wiU ip quickly removed from the body; even scrofulous iiloerj •od foul Boree, however old or inveterate, can thai becuredt -, Jp. pout, Rheumatism, and . Neuralgic Fains Shlsblntmsnt never falls to give relief. Its very first application lespons the inflammation, and diminishes both heat and pain.' In severe and Chronic wsos tho fills Bhould alwayo be taken, as their purifying, gltcrative, and restorative 2-aalities pln.ee tho TnaflS Of Oolids and aids la a wholesome cowUtlQft.
The Mother's Friend-Infantila Diseases. Beald heads, itch, cronp, blotches on the skin. ■crofiilous sores, and such like affections, yield : to the mighty power of this fine Ointment to ft Short time, providod it be vsell rubbed around ; the afloctod parts two or three times a day. Files, Fistulas, and Internal Inflammations. Persons ailicted with these distressing complaints will tod in this wonderful Ointment instant means, of easo and ability to effect their own euro without explaining their Infirmity to anyone. Tho Pills, in email doses, greatly aistol tho OLntmont, as they purify the Wood, regnlatt the stomach, anti cool tho system. Both the Ointment and PiXTs thould he vitd in ikt following complaints : — Bad Legs " Fistula* Sore Nipple* i Bad Breasts Gout Sore Throat* Burns Glandular gklnDiaauot Ohilblainß : Swellinga Scurvy Chapped ITancja. Xnmbago, Tumour* ContnMjtazJ and Pflos Ulcers Stiff Joicu Jtfieumatism Wounds The Pills and Ointment are MuiiufactureiJ only at 7$ Hew (Word St. (late 533 Oxford Bt.) London; And are sold by all Vendors of Medicine! . throughout the Civilised World; vyith^direclions for use in almost every language, ;■.-, *>jtir Purchasers should look to the label on the Pots-and Boxes. If .the address is not 538. Oxford Street, London, they are spurioni. SOTffi WISE IN TlME.—Consider your Health. fl —in cases of Weakness, Nervousness, I* Palpitation, Incapacity, Debility. Loss r m M Vital Power, impaired Health or JLI Strength, Severe Pains, &c. (in either 891 sc=x), no Matter how chronic or severe, ,. x FARE'S ELECTRIC PILLULES are the Sw-J grandest, njost speedy, aucl poweriul remedy on earth. One package is sufficient in eyen the weakest, the oldest, and most shattered, to WORK A MIRACLE. Being perfectly harmless, they leave no bad after ■effects.-- Guaranteediiever to fail. Pull particulars free, under cover, from the N. Z. sole agents— DRUG SUPPLY CO., Box 60, Dunedin. Fabr's Electric) PIMjULKS are worth their weight in gold and act like magic, giving instant relief,and working a certain and speedy, perinanenft cure in eyeby case. Try them, DBAPJSBS' HANDBILLS, Plain or Colored, it the shortest • J>tic« at Bw* OffiA. Albeit itmt.