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; ■ '■ '■■:■■'.. v^: -• FIRST PRIZE■/A.iL.;^»;l:P.4^-3^IMTI^ '^:;H|%| ■:■ nniHE Proprietor, in explaining why he has not for soirsetime pushed the sale of; the abi)T*i* ;;:K JL would state that he received such a check hy the disaistroua fire which destroyed J • costly appliances and a magnificent stock of prepared, herbs (recently; replaced),' and he Ijiaf-;^-not therefore' been in a position to come before the jiublic, ■, He has not;,been able t»^j»tii(ys;^ : all the local and foreign demands, and was unable to Bdnuinister as extensively M )»« «>nW ■ iV : havo desired to /•the,wahte ; of! a suffering world. MB.MIIGE.ENB is nowhappy to"state.££? that he is once again in a poaitibn to supply this health-giying;]^ yinced will, ".with the blessing of God," cure almoslaxiy disorder, ©wing;tso its irresistible;^; ,r yet gentle operation. la corning before the public'and; planting hia standard :oiioiß jinore'-o^p: 5 the ramparts of the great enemy of,; mankind—»".«.,: sickness—^bel trusts "that an overruling' :p^ Providence, will bloas hia future efforts to mitigate the, physicalwoes of man.: ?ln -tliii ewn^ ■ i-g ing's Stab appear a few. of the'hundreds of teßtimonialsreceivedby; Mr, Hitche^s^ one of>; ;v which is from one of Auckland' known citizens. It requires no further comment than yy s ?i to cay that hii il]noß6 was of a most eevere type, baffling the skill of medical men, while other infallible remedies were: tried without the slightest change for the" betteri Hert 1 it what/^v.-: Captain Fabqtthab cays of. H^ ' \ -'-'-'? *;V 'i/^fy " Anckland, October 15, 18S3.—Dear Sir,~Foi; twelve months 1 Bufored s^wrely from .y';& sciatica, and tried Various remedies^ witboiifc avail, and as a last resource I wa» TO to give your Blood Bestorer a tria^ after taking it for three moDtho I completely recoveredmyhealth. I msy say I had ,no faith -(. S in it at first, but the result was such a thorough cure that I consider it tny • duty!:to^»eknov» ' ' ledge, unsolicited, its curative powers.—l am, Sir, faithfully; yoursj W; xffaQC&**i '"M*l*6* c/: i Mariner, Pbnsonby.—To H. A. H. Hitchens, Esq.;. :.v.-^'-' ■:^(C_ ' ":[ ■ ; 'y'-v(^A: ;-:"'.n- ';'.''-''■.: ''■. 'v^ ■■■■"> ■■.:■ ':■.■. ■ : :.'■ - , ' ,- <'' ' ' '■. ' ■ ' m' " : ■.'•'■'■. v. ' ' ■ ■■"■ . ' '.'^t»':'.' '.' ■ ■ •■■. .. ■■,■'..."-. Ihe Proprietor would here intimate that £IjOOO/will be forfeited^^^^ / ; if the gcqd done by his Medicine has been over estimaled. i' , '„ •; The Proprietor is prepared to meet on a public platform tiny\ peroono wb> dispute the > ; veracity of tesfcimbnials, and he will,undertake to prove the genuineneesof the curei effected, i'; He is .alae willing to meet in public themedical gentlemen 'who attpcde^ the'patiehti.;;c'; and have, pronounced them incuraible, and answer.queßtions.put relatiTe to the facts of the^ ;. cases quoted. ■ Medical'men's names have, frbtn^^ motives of consideration, been excluded from ! ■ all testimonials, but then personal acknowledgment would add increased brilliancy to theV| ; la*ne of the medicine; •■ ; ' .: ■ ■•' . .. . '———-—;■;■.;; ..; ;■■... ..'.V'.-;-.-*':: -.V -'■v,:;;;;.;:. 1. ;-/'.;::\ -. „;-;->,'{;-^ Mr Aiex. Eaglbton, Hairdresser, of Queen etreefc, Auckland, Buffered with s paralysed i ' arm, with every indication of the disease spreading through the body. The doctors prb- j nounced the case hopeless, and friends believed his end was drawing near; when he wu induced to give Hitchens'e Blood Restorer a trial, the reeulfc being an immediate change for \-' the better; and on continuing to take the medicine, he was completely reitored to healtk and V strength. : '■■■■.•. -<■''■' '■•■'. ■',■•'' '''■■ ;-'f<\ ■-••;.;'.V-a- '■>■. ■T'' iV'/^v:'r';V/!;;'v^° 1:;i::i:v/V";.'r; Mr D.E. Chishoiji, Agent for Mr HrrOHEHS.~Dear Sir,-^lt iiii with heartfelt thanki V lam able to endorßO the sterling qualities of Mr Hitchenfl'sinTaluable Blood Reitorer. , Being induced by Mr Disher, who spoke in eulogistic ?4tmt of its ;:ineritsy;,ti> place <Viij "iwifo/-r • (who was suffering very acutely with El^eumatio Fetcr) uudcr its treatment, lam very happy ;! to state the medicine has acted quite magically. After a few doses pain entirely cebsed/and ih* ' is making rapid progress, and is now ennbled to reßume her household duties. Acting so .iT beneficially, I would not bo without euch a valuable remedy, and should impress npon th#se , who are similarly suffering not to overlook this specific, which is inestimable.—Believe me, v yours very Sincerelyj 0?HOMA8 BROWN, Brittabia Heightsyl^lspri. v ; :?*'f''ri^. ; ! ■ •••.,/.-. v..;-'.; '.•'.■■■'.'■.■,.• ■'.''■ -' : V' Maraiti (near Ho wick), Auckland, 17th Angustyißß2.'sgfs:; \:, ! To H. A, H. Hl/cBBKB.-HSir,—l bad been for five years suffering from an ulcerated leg, and after being twice under treatment in the Auckland Hoßpitel, without any improre* i merit, I!was induced to give your bloodreetbrer a trial, aid am proud to §ay aft«r four bottles ■;•>'[• and the use of your Ojntment, I became quite well; 1 M give this whot publicity you wish, that others may benefit thereby.^-Youn, most respectfully, ,' -OHAELES:MOB€KiN^Maraiti.;-;-; ■■■• ; : „;■••' '•',. .Bheridan^Btreeti o£F Wellington ;Etreet,Aucklandi;Dec^i^iM3,,,(;,; I Mb Eii;dH^3se.r-I)ear Sir,—A" y°a have aeked me to describe my;it»te^.ttiß.:ii6imbi.M».'--i:-i McMillan recommended me to use your Blood Bestorer, and 'the effect it had on me, I yill v| simply say that'^Whether^it was Lumbagdi Sciatica,' or Paralysis that caade me bo helpless, I do not know; but, at any rate, I was unable to stand for nine months, and had to be lifted like a baby, and my taste.' wbb entirely gone. Dr ■' ".": ■>'/ said I had an •flfeotion of the; spinei and that' I should ■;never have the use of my limbs again. Bjji brought another medical man to ace me, and I was told that J would probably Kve 6^: a t^^Hm» (^mndH:: was no use of their holding out false hopes. I thanked them, and felt -,'m they Mri v? McMillan, living^ opposite,-inquired what was^ the matter, and my husband told hii^.K He: at ■: ; once said, " Let her take Mr Hitchen's Blood Bestorer, for I believe that will put her aliv right" I did bo, and after using the third bottle in the third week, I began to feela change, aD<J a tingling sensation in my limbs. '% Every subsequent bottle /eeemedta^ good.' The result is that after uling eight bottle»i I am now quiri! well,^dd my?owo,wtibiiigi'' and all the housework, and feel quite as well as when I first came to Sew ZSealand-fte years : ■ ago.. lam always happjr to tell people the good you did:in«esj^fbr I Smi sure I should not now be well and hearty, but most likely lin my grave; if I had not put inyflelfjay^ur hand». —I am, dear sir, yours faithfully, FLOEA»rcOL.^W Kelson street. - I have much pleasure in testifying to\the perfect accuracy^of the abovti statement.^N^ MoMILLAIf, .Vulcan ; I^ne,-Aiic)clan^ ■ - ■'S.--';A«''H^'Hitchens/^Ate^ ; PEFIEOTED THEOUOHOUT THIS WHOLE OOLOOTES;:''; '■"•;;•.•. ■• . '..;:'■;•.';.;.. ••■■.; ■'y.'b\■■■■ t (Ex-Army jijUdLStofi")::;; ; *f^£sys-.^Z^^Mx-, ' :': ;':- ---/i AUTIOIf.--Tice»Ohftnoellor Sir Wi P. Wood stated that DR; COLLIS^ \J undoubtedly the inventor of GHLOEODYIfE ; that the story of the defendant, Free man, being tho inventor was deliberately untrue, which; he Mgwt^d--li»jd'-;\blien^o>jj't"o': i' Eminent Hospital Physicians of London stated that Dr. J. Collis Srowne was the discovers of Ohlofodyne; that they preecribe it largely, and mean no other than Dr. Browne's.-»S#« limes, July 12,1864.,..'; ■':;',: -v:A r• '',• ■ •'■', ■ :. '';- ..•','•/.':' ■■■ :'; r: '\ ■: ■ ■ .■:; '-\-. ■; : '; '^'^xfc :- • :--ir;v ;•■ V: ■ •.• v> ' ■■■':. •■•;.'■■ ThaVpuDliej:therefore, are cautioned against using any other than h ';'■ '~'H .'<;',;i- )'■; '■■■; • ■.;" ■; '.;:■:■/• vj;;'v-v ■-•■•'V/.---BBk»|biAx''tJsH» I:.'jbn)1 :.'jbn) Actitox., ''■■{:r'^yy-:-!^//-'ti^to^ ''■'■: This Inyaluable^Bemedy",produces qviiet, refreshing sleep, relieves pain, calmf'tH^.iyitm1 ■ reetqrps the deranged functirtnij, and stimulates healthy action of the secretions of the bodr withouti creating any" of./ those unpleasant results attending the ; use 1 of: opium. Old and '■'."■ ■ young may take it at all hours and times when requieite. Thoußands of persons testify to it* ' marvelloufi good eflects and wonderful cures, while medical men. extol its T'irtoi»|; moa \l extensively. /' :-^.".:'y.: ■.'■'.■':■.■:'■■ ;:. ■;■•. ■ ■•,•'./.•;■'■ r- , „'■■■:: ■;'".,: ^'l"../■...■ .:'''-.','. :■■■; :'.';''^.-'''•;iV^>:iO'^:i^'^ i~v.-'; OHLOEODTIfE is admitted; by the profeDßion to bo the most remedy ever'discovered.;,',';. ' -.■-, '■*•■■■■ '' ,'■.-.'■r,'";l.: '■ ."■ . .-. ;■'■'■' :^r ''y\ ■'...■;;. ■- ,^X,y Xi/vj!i"^r^;'■&:'.■-■'':'..' ■" '.-; OHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma CHIiORODYNB efi'ectually checks ojid arrests those too often fatal difieases—Diphiheriti Fever, Croup, Ague., ;' '•'■"■ • ;'.■ -,"'-' ,:'' ; . V : "•;;■:.'■ ■•-,'^.^.-.v;:/?';•.> :',■: ■[ „:5K V,;.^.^,^;!'''^:';:-.-■■':': OHLOEODYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhoea, and is the only speoifio in OhqlerA and Dyseiiteryi ■'/'• ;■'■• :'v'--v;--': ; : ''' ":.'': ■'.'■■.•.■•"■> :':'"-; :C: '■'..- ':'■" "■ •;;•■. y'':-■.",■':yv'':':::\''.i: y:':?.y Vv;'.':-'', OHLOEODYNE effectually;outa short all attaoks, of Epilepey, Hysteria, Palpitations, and Spasms'.'''-"'''.'':" ;: ... '•■. :.C:-" : ;■'■■;■ .'■•' ■' :?':':';.' 'r -:'■■'..•:..■■ ■■' '"■',- '„•'•■.';', ■y^y.r^^^yyj'"-; ':-j y-r-.^::.:- .'.'VOHLORODYKE is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Too* . aoho, Meningitis, &c.: ■:■'.-.,■ ■■..' '■■',■.-' • '•'■':. ,■'' : , •'■■' ';. ',".• ■. :- ''''''::'-,) i ,"'■;.•■ .:.\--yi'^ v"v-",' ; ;.^:'.:':,..' i From Symes and Co.,"Pharrnaccutical Chemitts, Medical Hall, Simla, January 5> 2890) To J, T. Davecport, Esq., 33, J^reat Russell Strict, Bloomsbury, London^—''Dear Sur^—W'j 'embrace thiß opportunity of congratulating you upon the wide-spread reputation this jusUy esteemed modioine, Db. Cohtia Beowke's Cslouoh'SSS, has earned for itself, not only in ' Hindostan, but ali over the Ea«t. As a remedy of general utility, we much question whetUer a.better is importedinto tfeo, country, and; we Bhall be glad to be»r *f its finding a plao« ib every Anglo-Indian home. The other brands, we are Wppy to say, a)re now relegated t»tb» native bazaars, and, judging from their sale, wo / ncy their sojourn .'there will W( b\i* : ; evanescent. We could multiply instances <d infinil m of the extrabrdinary efficacy of Da. Coins Bbownb'b Chlobodxnjb > in/ Diarrhoßn and Djk?ntory, Spwrns, Crampa, Kturalfisv, the Vomiting of Pregnancy, and as a general sedative, that have occurred uuder oar p*nona] observation during!many years. In, Choleraic Diarrhoßa, and evtn in theiaaore terrible forma of Cholera itself, we have witnessed its Burprisinglj controlUng powwf. We have »erer u»fd . any other form of thiß medicine than Collis , Browne's, from a firm convjetion; that it i* ' decide'diy/th'e: beat, and;also from: ft sehae' of duty we ow? t& the profeißion^md the publio, •• [we are of opinion .that the substitution;of any other', than•:Qoliw;^Brow.^y •&;'■»■:DMaipMwt'',/'i ,«KBAOH OP IfAITH OH;IHB-;. iPABT/.O* ;,THB:':WSMIsi', ; TOvPE^Wß?W^;j^r^^ We are, bir, faithfully yours, Symeb and Co., Members ,pf tho 'PnarhV HScii^ i CK^ii • Britain, His Excellency, the Ticoroy's-Chemists."^' ■.%■ /; '^;. :'''r.':-?.:/' t,^y-''-''':'-- :--'i^^V^V/V v'''>'-V(v :^ , Extract from the GFenor&l Board of Health, London, as to its effiepcy: in Cholersi*—.«g« strongly are we convinced of the immenße value of this remedy'that we canrot to» formbl* urge the Aecesaity of adopting it in all cage*." : .^:''.:--J^ :■•'■■■;.'■■ -•'; '.':;■: '■' ''■. ':':-':-:\yi---^r^\:l^y ''-']. CAUTION.—None genuine without the; words "Dr J. Oollis Browne^ oa th§ ifl^ytr^ ment Stamp. Overwhelming medical aooompanies 'each ,bottle.|; r;'*;^''^;'^^'- 11-;'.:';:.':^^ y ■■ ■:«, yy^'- -x-to^i^ 33, GKBAT IMJSS^IiL-STEEBT, BLOOMSBUBT^ t6ifl)diß« W , '.•■;' Sold in bottles at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and 11s. 'V^r-iV-::^^^^.:;?*', V : Wholesale Agents for New Zealand—Messrs EEMPTHOBNE, PRO^SUR 4OC i ' '< :--.■•■■.-: ■-;■■■'•:■••'■■•■■ -■:■...■;■■.;-. ',■■"..-■ ■■?■■■■ /DUNEDIN;'--'-' '::;---:: '■;- :■-,.. •■;~^- ■■■"■^: ■: ''■.''■■

THE EVENING STAB, rnHEipresent is a Good Sixiejiw Suscribing to the SIAB. Namea aad sub- | geiap&ons veeeived at any time during 1 the Quarter. Terms, 6s 6d per quarter in advance. 7s6d „ » book?(i, Eesidents i$ t^a T&wn ships can ntve th,9 S3A» Delivered and pay weekly the! sum of Sixpence. /CUSTOMS JfOEMS.-Wanted Known on \J BALI at the Evamrft Stab Ovmn. AlbwUteeet, QwhwJMtown, DTWABDi and OUTWAIDSC»4STWI»IFOBMe,

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Thames Star, Volume XVI, Issue 5082, 1 May 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Thames Star, Volume XVI, Issue 5082, 1 May 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Thames Star, Volume XVI, Issue 5082, 1 May 1885, Page 4


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