A. H. FENN. THE RIALTO, TEMUKA, A H. FENN SELLS THIS. DAY—1 p.m.—Special Sale P.B. Poultry. W.L. Cockerels, B.L. Hens, etc. Geese for breeding. Good entry Table Poultry advjsed. Pigs, B.G. Stakes, Table and Pig Por tatoes, Fowl Wheat, Peas, Oa* Sheaf Chaff, Fruit Treesi ~ Room Full Furniture, Blanket* Sox, etc. Also —Apples, Pears, Bacon, etc. A. H. FENN, Auctioneer. THE RIALTO. A H. FENN, Licensed Land Agent and Auctioneer, Temuka. SPECIAL SALE of PUREBRED POULTRY Will be held on SATURDAY, JULY 14, At 1 o’clock. Will Clients Please Advise Entries to Facilitate Advertising. A. H. FENN, ■ Land Agent and Auctioneer.' ’Phones: House 167; Rooms 146. w. S. L O N G;-, LICENSED LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. ! ’Phone 855 P.O. Box 119. CORNER STAFFORD & STRATH* ALLAN STREETS. Chief Agents— COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COY., LTD. GENTLEMAN’S RESIDENCE FOR SALE. On account of Mr R. H. BOWIE, who is leaving Timaru, we are authorised to offer for Sale by Private Treaty, his Very Fine Home, 56 Waiiti Road. The residence comprises seven rooms (exceptionally large Drawing Room and Bedroom), and large Balcony and Sun Porch, and complete with all modern conveniences and fittings. Numerous Cupboards built in, wardrobes, etc. Every convenience under main roof. The situation is in the best'part of Wai-iti Road, facing north, and only a few minutes from Bay, with mag* nifieent view from upstairs. Wide Section, completely laid out, good garage. \ ' " We shall be pleased to give full particulars, and arrange for an inspection. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. 15-STOREY BUNGALOW IN LeCREN STREET. Under 10 minutes from Post Office. Owing to the owner having bought a Highfield Property, we have a very fine 11-storey Brick Bungalow for sale in LeCren Street, consisting of 5 rooms and sleeping balcony. Very sunny rooms, cupboards, wardrobes, etc., built in. Porcelain bath and basin, tiled grate. Washhouse, etc.,under roof, with hot water over tubs. Sunny Section, nicely laid out concrete paths to back door, motor garage. The House is built only about one year, and is in the best .order. . ... PRICE ONLY £I4OO. ' We Are Sole Agents. W. S. LONG, Land and Estate Agent. WHAKATANE HARROWS. WHAKATANE HARROWS. WHAKATANE HARROWS. THE THREE-IN-ONE IMPLEMENT THE THREE-IN-ONE IMPLEMENT There is no better Harrow made, and none as good for the treatment of grassland to be top-dressed. A sod-bound pasture deprives the roots of the plants of sufflcieint air. It pays to Harrow the Whakatane way. , - See for yoxirself at the Timaru Ploughing Match on Saturday. . “MAY” MANURE SPREADER. “MAY” MANURE SPREADER. By permission we shall also demonstrate this Machine. This Machine spreads lip to 40 feet, and the quantity—l hundredweight to 1 ton per acre—can be regulated whilst it works. , The “MAY” Manure Spreader Is fixed to an ordinary Farm Dray. Do not miss our demonstration at the Ploughing Match on Saturday.
the Fiougnmg iviaicn on miuiuh,. WRIGHT, STEPHENSON AND CO., LIMITED, Strathallan Street, Timaru. THE SOUTH CANTERBURY LOAN AND FINANCE CO., LTD. HAY S BUILDINGS, STAFFORD ST., TIMARU. MONEY TO LEND. Mortgagee and other securities discounted, approved Life Insurance Policies taken as security. Other short tmn loans may be arranged. . .. Applications to be made to the undersigned: A. C. MARTIN. Secretary. P.O. Box 58: Tel. 33*.
Page 16 Advertisements Column 8
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 16
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