GENTS! FOR A QUICK, GOOD SHAVE : Try The Most Hygienic and Up-to-date Saloon in South Canterbury. '.! Three Chairs —No Waiting. Three Skilled Attendants under. the personal supervision of Mr E. Firkin. no oil “STACOMB” no grease Wear your hair any style you like —only, have it always in perfect order, smooth, just as your hairbrush left it. Use “STACOMB”! and have that well-groomed appearance. Full Stocks at ' FIRKIN’S 1 ONLY ONE ADDRESS NOW—Opp. STAFFORD T*EA ROOMS. !
Big Winter Sale Huge Reductions in Ladies’ Apparel and Millinery. Coats, Frocks and Costumes at Half Usual Prices,. Silks, Hosiery and Underwear all Greatly Reduced. “Tbe hibevt'%" SPECIALISTS IN SILKS AND LADIES’ APPAREL 294-298 STAFFORD STREET NORTH (NEXT WASHER’S) /
a if 3== n We make a speciality of supplying the cabinetmakers* needs at the lowest ruling prices. Inspect our stocks before you buy. Jackson & Co., Ltd. demands the use of the very best grained woods and ply-woods. STAFFORD ST., TIMARU.
WANTED KNOWN. M ORISONS LTD—For Tiniaru Coloured Dress Flannel. Single "Width, Is lid, and Double Width, 3s lid yard. These are bargains reduced for sale from 2s 6d and 4s lid. The sale of the season Ladies’ Wool Jumpers from os lid, Cardigans 6g lid. Bust and Co., 167 Stafford Street Central. START COLLECTING Raven Tea coupons to-day, and win a big cash prize. Every packet of this super quality tea contains full particulars and prize list. M ORISONS LIMITED. —150 Fairs Ladies’ Assorted Colour Art Silk Hose going at Is a pair. These ranged from 2s 6d to 3s lid a pair. Don’t delay. MEAT! MEAT! The quality and price of our fresh prime Can- | terbury mutton and lamb is proved by the increasing numbers of customers coming to A. Washer and Co. SOUND sleep impossible with cold feet, therefore buv a “Unique” Hot Water Bag ami keep warm and rosy the livelong night; guaranteed. All sizes. '*•
Page 14 Advertisements Column 7
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 14
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