IKv o pks> h c y \\ THEN a product like Chrysler leaps VV into prominence almost overnight and continues growing in public favor month after month and year after year, it must offer unique qualities and values. The fact is, people are recognising more and more how Chrysler engineering and manufacturing constantly show the way, how refinements and improvements for the very finest Chryslers are passed on, through the principle of Standardised Quality, to the Chryslers of lesser price. For example, in the six * cylinder field, they realise that Chrysler is enabled to pass on to the “62” and “72” such epochal refinements as rubber shock insulators, 7-bearing crankshaft, invar-strut pistons with tungtite rings, 4-wheel hydraulic brakes—to mention only a few of several score—pioneered for the superfine and luxurious 100 h. p. Imperial “80.” The way that Chrysler sales keep climbing, always climbing—from 27th to 3rd place in 42 months—reflects the realisation of motor car buyers that Chrysler manufacturing and engineering offer quality and value in every price field—that no other car approaches. ~ FOUR. GREAT CARS __ BN 4 GREAT PRICE FIELDS JCB3RYSLER IOOH.P. Imperial 80^ 40 BODY STYLES NEW ZEALAND DISTRIBUTORS I TODD MOTOR CO., TXMARU. WELLINGTON, CHRISTCHURCH, AND DUNEDIN. 9 is a 'tog-<y~wctr * u 0 UNDER modern living conditions, physique and stamina count more than ever before. We live faster nowadays. As time goes on life makes more and more demands on the body. Experts are unanimous that “ plenty of good MILK ” is the ideal tissuebuilding food-beverage. When they In Tins—Small and Family Size say good milk, they mean milk that is rich in vitamins and cream; milk that is fresh and uncontaminated. Every commonsense argument points to the urgent necessity of using HIGHLANDER MlLK—the creamy condensed milk that is always fresh. Spread on bread, it will appeal to eyery child. let Sfour Grocer fertfour witfoman m n:
THE CLANDEBOYE CO-OP. DAIRY COY., LTD. July 10, 1928. r T'HE CLANDEBOYE CO-OPERA--1 TIVE DAIRY CO., LTD., wish to notify you that satisfactory arrangements have been made with the Tai Tapu Co-operative Dairy Co., Ltd., to again handle the Home Separated Cream for this Company. We would advise the Suppliers of last season that, owing to our financial year having not yet closed, we are unable to announce the final payment, but we feel sure that Suppliers will be well satisfied with the ultimate results. Thanking you for past favours — Yours, etc., THE CLANDEBOYE CO-OPERA-TIVE DAIRY CO., LTD., W. 11. STANILAND, Chairman. TEMUKA BOTTLE EXCHANGE. WANTED KNOWN buying Bottles, Fat, Rags, Horse Hair, Cast Iron, Brass, and Coppor. Also, for sale—Good, Cheap Stove, and Jam Jars. Drop a Post Oard and 1 will call. W. NILES, VTilkixi Street, Temuka.
Page 13 Advertisements Column 6
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 13
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