A. WASHER AND CO. A. WASHER AND CO., AUCTIONEERS AND LICENSED LAND AGENTS. ’Phone 365. Stafford Street. Chief Agents— STATE FIRE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. R Well-Built 2-Storey Brick R E Building, large frontage. E A Shop & 5 Dwelling Rooms. A L Also large storeroom. Part L frontage could be turned into another shop. Sections from £SO to £SOO. These can be bought on terms SECTIONS. .SECTIONS SECTIONS. SECTIONS. A. WASHER AND CO. T 0 P DRESSING. • “ C R I TER I O N ” “CP.ITE R I O N ” “OR I T E R I O N DRY, FINELY GROUND, HIGH-GRADE SUPERPHOSPHATES. SUPERPHOSPHATES. SUPERPHOSPHATES. IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE TO plant: PROMPT DELIVERY CAN BE GIVEN. IN 16 OR 12 BAGS TO THE TON. Dalgety and Company, Lid. R. H. JOYCE, LTD. Land and Town Property Agent, 16 BESWICK STREET, TIMARU. A GOOD LITTLE FARM. 33 ACRES L.I.P. Rent £B/15/-half-yearly. 5-roomed house,; stable' and sheds, windmill. 6 acres'ln oats and grass, 12 acres stubble, balance in pasture. The property is situated less than a mile fromrail-way-station, school and post office. Price £1270. Soldier’s Loan of £9.00 for 2 6 years, remains on. Balance cash. Well •Wjtfrth, inspection. 8.28. ■" FREEHOLD, 8 miles 4-roomed house and sheds. Nfce<7free land.-V watered; by v/ater race. A.t present the land is all in •wheat.-,™.Will sell now .for delivery after harvest. Price £l7/10/- per acre. Only £l5O cash wanted. Balance mortgage for 5 years at 6 per cent. : Suit poultry farmer, drover or working man. Inquire about this. 8.22 FOR RELIEF OF SORE AND ACHING FEET.’ During Hot Weather when the Feet are Tender and Sore, bathe them in NYAL FOOT BATH Put-one or two Tablets in a Bath and .you will get quick relief. Dust over afterwards with NYAL EAS’EM POWDER. , \ GET THEM BOTH. . , 3/6 POSTED. A NEWLAM HANCOCK, "chemist, temuka. TEMUKA JOYLAND. NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY YOUR TOYS. Now I While you can choose from such a large assortment —and while the prices are so low. Never beinre has Temuka seen such a Splendid Display of Christmas Toys. McMILLAN’S, TOY AND GIFT BAZAAR, KING STREET: TEMUKA. CALF SKINS. WANTED FOR EXPORT. ALSO PURCHASED, JOHN MOODY. WOOL, SHEEPSKINS, HIDES, ~ HIGHEST PRICES GIVEN. • HAYES STREET, TIMARU. HORSEHAIR. ETC. Warehouse, Shaw, Savill Co.’» Stores, v g«l. Ntt. 11*2.- r.O. Bos u*
Page 13 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 13
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