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* *** *J* *’J* ** 4 "J* •£ *|» *£ms* ♦s* ♦s♦*s»«s*«s*«s» *J* ejngl *3ms« «9» *£> £-* «J» *J» *J» tj* #£• *s4 ♦*« £4 4*4 4*4 4*4 ♦■}• «$« ♦}• 4*4 «*4 ♦£# 4*4 »}» *♦, A£„ ,♦« ♦** 4$J v ** .♦« *♦, *♦, f * 4 *♦, .*, »+, »♦* »♦* „♦« *.+< ~*4 «.*« ♦+♦ ,£* >*4 <£ MeGRUER M m il-i B >fc£ En£lii!HHngiilHiHHiSFHsislilH2S»li?si!:l||lHlHlggsgH!lill;s::l!:Hininni:lHi!:HHl:inH:ii;HHlHn;:;ilElli;l;Hl;"ni;n;l:H-iIII;iiIEiiII-IH^^l:;l^^|gIEgn? '“JUBILEE SALE 1 ® KSlliai2S£BZ3lSllSi2£i£Hll£S:l£lo!l{Zli!ii22fHiis!HiHl£l2Hx£llililiii££ii:;;iliS£f!is:lHllilli!iHFlHiifllHEllll£lllilliiHlilliils!liliil!!!il!Hlll!l!*linillgilillil7£3f A egtsSck run through Our Sresc Oepartgneßit suggested the following outstanding ftlargainsa Thor© aro many, many more. it-' 40in. SILTEX; the new Fadeless Fab- 34m All Wool VELOUII COATING I la* tr\r 1.1 h<rA »1A n nri nil ». t L I. __ ... .4. t. •/ -I. _ i ... i. 3 Uc tor Lingerie and all of Un uerelothing. Wo guarantee this material to wash ana boil without lading; every appearance oi suit and wears better. Sale Bargai.% 1/11. witii Zebelene Uneck m Brown anu I' awu auout XO yards or euui ro sell Very heavy quauty. Usually ;ud at 13/o. Must bo cleared. Sale Bargain 5/11. Double Width Coloured WINCEYS loi FOX NAVY SERGE; guaranteed fast Cosy Underclothing. Colours include uye; ueavy make specially Dougut Pink, Sky, Hello. Cream. Cook ut for boy a' trousers ana gu.s’ the price. Sale Bargain 1/-. School wear, extra low price wlule our sale lasts, bale bargain 5/11. BROGUE SILKS; a very large assort, meat or lovely colourings; very fitting and durable lor drnpings, coat-linings etc. (call iuid inspect cr write for samples). - ■ Sale Bargains E/jj. Silk Finished POPi;IN, for cushions, curtains, diapings, etc.; colours sky, red, saxe, marone, rose, bottle, l’awfi brick, cream, etc. Sale Bargain 1/11 SENSATIONAL SALE BARGAINS FROM THE WOOLLEN SECTION. 40in All Wool REPPS; this is one ot our standard lines which we sell extensively tor Coats, Frocks, Costumes, Etc. Wonderful value, secure some while at this low prns* Sale Bargain 6/8. 54m All Wool GREY SUITING; a good hnrcl-weanng- maiem-i; speoiiu ror Boys’ Suits and Trousers; also would make good costumes, wi.ii not; take the dust. Usual price 16/0. Sale Bargain 7/11". SENSATIONAL BARGAINS FROM THE SILK COUNTER. £ o6in All Wool Str/.pe DRESS FLANNEL; best Uruco Mill make; usually sold. at Ul/6. A hig lot to clear ut this low price; will make very cosy Dresses, bkircs. Jttc. Sale Bargain 4/11. 40in SILK and WOOL MAROCAIN; shades Sky', Lemon; two pieces to clear; this splendid silk will make pretty evening dresses; also nice warm Underclothing. Usually sold at 16/6. Must go. Sale Bargain 5/6. BLACK SILK COATINGS ; fancy"' db•tigns; all the latest for smart coiits; a sacrifice at this low ful dye and finish (six coat'jengths to sell) Sale Bargain 6/11. 54in All Wool GABERDINE in Nigger Brown, and Dark Fawn nnd Light Grey (a rare snip) heavy quality; usually sold at 16/6. Must be cleatud Sale Bargain 6/6. 40in Check “KASHA” CLOTH, with plain to match ; a very large > ssortment to choose from : all the very latest for Jumper. Suits. Skirts. Etc. Sale Bargain 5/11 and 8/11. 54m. All Wool BLANKET CLOTH fin dressing gowns, etc.; a lovely warm and cosy material in all good colours: red, heiio, saxe, marone, sky,-etc. Sale Bargain 2/6 FT YELL A, Checks and Plains to match This is well known for its good/washing and wearing; the very latest. Sale Bargain 5/6 36in. LINGERENE; a-wonderful bargain for underwear; wears and washes well; colours sky, heiio; pink, lemon, white. Buy this while it lasts. Safe Bargain 1 /. 64in. Plain Wool VELOUR; cosy and warm for winter Top Coats. Colours, Navy, Rose, Fawn, Mushroom; Saxe, Brown, Etc. Sale Bargain 7/6. SATIN DE LUX. Satin de Lux. Satin do Lux. Every wahted shade in stock; the silk finished cotton for underwear, etc. Sale Bargain 1 / 4din. All Wool Fancy CHABMALINE » new fabric for smart dresses; all good shades of baxe, Rose, , fielio, Cocoa, Cornflower, Etc. Great vaino at this low price. Sale Bargain 3/11 40in. WOOL CREPE; the very latest in the dress line; colours, fawn, saxe, grey, flame, etc. Sale Bargain 3/11 FUJI SILK; our. heavy quality .guaranteed nil silk; secure some oF our great sale bargains. Sale Bargain 1/7£ BLACK DUCHESS MORSE LINE SATIN; a heavy quality silk for Dresses, Blouses. Coats, Etc. Secure some while it lasts. Usually-, sold at 12/6. Sale Bargain 5/11. E!jScBB!JEB, DA¥IES <& C©.
HARMLESS GARGLE ENDS SORE THROAT OP TONSILITIS. THROAT SPECIALISTS DISCOVER NEW USE TOR STANDARD HOUSEHOLD REMEDY. Many people are learing that the best and most effective gargle in sore throat or tonsilitis is to dissolve two tablets of genuine Bayer Aspirin in four tablespoonfuls of water. They gargle throat tho Highly and repeat in two hours, if necessary. This use for tho famous Bayer Aspirin was discovered by throat specialists and prescribed by them in their own practices. The next time you feel the approach of a. sore throat or tonsilitis, trv this simple gargle. Only be sure to ‘ insist on genuine Bayer Aspirin. Then vou are safe, because they do not affect the heart, derange the stomach, or form a habit; besides, relief is certain and without any bad after effects. All chemists sell genuine Baver Aspirin in handy boxes of 12 tablets, also bottles of 24 and 100 tablets. Bayer Aspirin costs no more than tho uncertain imitations and loudly advertised substitutes which physicians would not think of prescribing.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 10
Word Count
855Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 10
Using This Item
Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.