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We aisvlt® you t© Isaspect Stadebaker’s Mew DIRECTOR mXix TO-DAY l *£sfl wmm SIMMK ssiss (rfIOSEK /'Stwafebaker’s \ Mew Director Sedans Q 3 & from £ms NEW LIG.HTER STUDEBAKER FULLVISION STEEL BODY. The new Studebaker Body frame is welded by electricity into a single unit for safety, strength, and durability. Stronger than wood, it is at the same time so mush lighter that it gives Studebaker cars an exceptional law centre of gravity—an additional safety factor that also means easy riding and roadability. L ESC Contrast the old wooden body frame illus trated above with the simple rugged strength of the Studebaker welded steel body. The new Studebakersteel body provides maximum security and eliminates the deadly “ blind spot ” of heavy corner posts. EW HIGH PRESSURE CHASSIS LUBRICATION, sw High Pressure liassis Lubrication furnished by magtine lubricators hich supply lubriition under presira to all moveable lassis parts whilst ris in motion, and quires attention ily at 2,500 miles terval. «V NEW HYDRAULIC SHOCK ABSORBERS. New Hydraulic Shock Absorbers contribute to exceptional riding comfort and rea3 ability. The 3hock of every road roughness is taken up by tho action of the shock absorber, which forces oil through restricted passages. Stafford Street TIMARU CTUDEBAKER’S NEVJ 1928 DIRECTOR New 70 horse power engine. New 4-wheel brakes. New hydraulic shock absorbers. New imposing radiator. New low set steel body. New type steering wheel. New type instrument board. NEW SPEED A!VD ENDURANCE RECORD The proof of the car-'from the viewpoint of the owner, is in its performance. A Studebaker Director Sedan established a new record for speed and endurance by travelling 5,000 miles in 4,751 consecutive minutes—an average speed of 03.14 miles per hour. The test was carried out under the supervision of the American Automobile Association. GREATER RIDING COR/5 FORT The New Studebaker Director is distinctive in its ■ beauty of line and is luxuriously equipped. Long resilient springs and shock absorbers gi\»; you restful riding comfort vert under the worst road conditions. Tire Studebaker’s exclusive No-draught ventilating windshield provides ample ventilation even during the severest rain storms. MO EXTRAS TO BUY* The price of the Director includes every item of luxurious equipment: Four-wheel brakes, Front and rear bumpers, Hydraulic shock absorbers, Full-size balloon tyres, No-draught ventilating windshield (exclusively Studebaker), 2-beam tilt-ray headlamps controlled from steering wheel, Spare rim, tyre and tube with lock, Upholstered footrest, Ash receiver, Engine thermometer, Hydrostatic petrol gauge on instrument board, Silken window'curtains, Coincidental lock to ignition and steering, Instruments indirectly illuminated under glass. Rear-vision mirror, Automatic windscreen cleaner, Reartraffic warning signal light, Arm-rests. The New Director is now on exhibit tion in our Showrooms. We cordially invite you to inspect it —but if you cannot do so, please phone us and we will send a car out to your home. USED CARS TAKEN IN PART PAYMENTEASY TEEMS ARRANGED IF DESIRED. m m The interior of the Director is distinctive in its beauty—Seats are luxuriously wide and deep with fine upholstery. Dome Light, Silken curtains, Ash receiver, Upholstered footrest and arm rests are provided fer comfort and convenience. Floors both in front and rear compartments are covered with thick carpets. BRING- US YOUR USED CAR FOR VALUATION—WE ARE r SHORT OF STOCK. ADAM To A 9Ams ltd s *Woi New c/0r M oi Ci/f out Post this Don non 031 During Our July Stocktaking Sale we are giving away £5 Gallons of Patrol to All Buyers of New Etude baker and Ereklno Oars.
fid 6d 6d 6d 6d 6d Od 6d 6(1 6d 6d PACIFIC 6d Starr-Bowkett Building Society 6d No. 6 GROUP (under Improved Rules). _—- fid SUBSCRIPTION ONLY PER SHARE. REPAYMENT: 2s Cd per Week for each £IOO. EXAMPLE. —A Loan 'of £IOOO Is repaid in weekly instalments of 255, plus ss. subscription. This is less than ordinary rental. ALL BALLOTS OF £IOOO EACH. JOIN No. 6 GROUP and Participate in the Benefits of co-operation. DISTRICT AGENTS: Messrs. Runciman, Pryor Ltd., fid 6d fid fid fid Wentworth Auction Rooms, Church Street, Timaru. SECRETARY: W. B. TAVERNER, A.P.A. (N.Z.). OFFICES: 86 KING EDWARD STREET. DUNEDIN. fid fid
FARMERS! PLOUGHING MATCH. "VY/E will Exhibit and Demonstrate W if possible OUR LATEST HUSTLER “ NOTIONS,” including Hillside Equipment and Interchangeable Frames. These appeal as intended to practical men. Provo them to the limit. J. STORRIER & CO., MANUFACTURERS, TIMARU. H. S. McCULLY, Patentee.
SPEEDING UP HAULAGE. With a six-cylinder ..engine and four-wheel internal , brakes, Reo speed wagon owners can deliver loads at 25 m.p.h with perfect safety. The Reo speed wagon means faster, surer, easier, and cheaper transportation. W. A. McLaren and Co., Ltd., 108 St. Asaph Street, Christchurch, are direct factory representatives.
SOUTER’S Wißtep Boot Sale 2|3^ *
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 10
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771Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 10
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.