NURSERY STOCK SEASON, 1928. Now is thetlme to Plant All Descriptions of Nursery Stock, including Fruit Trees, Roses, Flowering and Ornamental Trees’ and Shrubs, Forest Trees, Hedge Plants. Gooseberries, Black and Red and White Currants, Raspberry Canes. Etc. .. 'o SPECIAL OFFER! 2Q BEAUTIFUL FLOWERING PLANTS F-OR 20/-. Rhubarb and Sea Kale Plants ■ Now Ready, A Fine Assortment of Gladioli Bulbs, 3/- Dozen. Named Varieties 15/- Dozen. , A CHOICE LOT OF BEDDING PLANTS NOW READY FOR PLANTING. P. G. ALLEN, SEED M3S.RCHA NT AND " . N UKSERY MAN, TJMAIUJ. THE NEW WONDER LA GLORIA GRAMOPHONES FOR A LIMITED PERIOD ONLY. You can Purchase & La Gloria Gramophone for NO DEPOSIT, WITH- FIFTEEN DOUBLE-SIDED RECORDS free. Free Repairs'and Free Needles. Beautiful Oak'Cabinets and Double- . Spring English Motors. Hear a Demonstration. This Winter Purchase a LA GLORIA GRAMOPHONE ON THESE GOOD TERMS. JUST ARRIVED — A LARGE SUPPLY OF THE -LATEST RECORDS. THE ONLY ADDRESS—LA GLORIA GRAMOPHONE . SHOP 126 - STAFFORD STREET,, (Near Theatre Royal.) D. EDMONDS AND 00., Distributors. NOTICE TO FARMERS. THE TIMARU IMPLEMENT EXCHANGE Has Now Commenced 'Business at 39 STAFFORD STREET SOUTH. All kinds of ■ Farm Implements Bought and Sold. Should you have a; Used Implement to Sell, or 'Exchange, or if you require a New Machine, Ring 1404. Write or Call, and your requirements will be promptly'attended to. Cash Buyers of All Farm Implements and Best Discounts on New Machines, ; ’ Agents for Storrie, Willett,-Ltd. M.- A. DUGGAN : Proprietor. TIMARU Tbt*iet*rDMsioiicfßim Thx/sim Cab Co. I PHONE TWO NINE FOUR BOCKAERTS GARAGE Let us show you how to add charm and cheerfulness to your homo this Winter. Call to-day and choose from our Artistic Wallpapers. Prices to .draw exclamations of delight. Craigie’s “The Home Decorators,” Cain’s Terrace. ’Phone 82.
EVERYONE IS WAITING FOR THE MAGNET | JUBILEE . SALE | —The Magnetic Attraction during the Jubilee period. Commencing MONDAY, 9th JUDY—an event you will remember. you won’t forget. j LADIES’ TWEED COATS, /Plain and Check Materials | Usual Price, 89/6 Jubilee Sale Price, 12T/0 LADIES’ VELOUR COATS, Mole Shade, Pur Collar— Usual Price, 49/6 Jubilee Sale Price, 10/0 LADIES’ REPP FROCKS, v Navy, Fawn, Saxe, Apple *■'"* Usual Price, 105/Jubilee Sale Price, 49/0 LADIES’ CARDIGANS, in Wool,, and Silk and Wool — ’ . Usual Price, 12/6 Jubilee Salo Price, 7/0 (M. Healy) LADIES’ and GENTS’ OUTFITTERS Stafford Street, Timaru
Page 2 Advertisements Column 6
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 2
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