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NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. WAIMATE HUNT CLUB’S RACES. TTOLIDAY EXCURSION TICKETS *■ TO WAIMATE will be issued from TIMARU —-OAMARU and intermediate stations on direct line o£ route on 19th July by trains arriving Waimate up to 12.36 p.m., available l’or return until 20th July. On 19th July usual 7.20 a.m. train for Oamaru leaves Timaru 8.0 a.m., Studholme arrive 9.13 (connecting with special train leaving Studholme for Waimate at 9.2 3 a.m.), arriving Oamaru 10.56 a.m. Usual 9.9 a.m. train for Waimate leaves Studholme 9.40 a.m. The 12.24 p.m. StudholnieWaimate. 3.16 p.m., and 5.18 p.m. Waimate-Studholme trains will stop, if required, at Waimate Racecourse. For fuller particulars see handbills or inquire at stations. NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. SOUTH CANTERBURY HUNT CLUB’S RACES, AT TIMARU RACECOURSE. Vw ' stopping at certain stations, leaves Christchurch 8.0 a.m., Ashburton 9.51, arriving Timaru Racecourse 11.8 a.m. A return train stopping at Washdyke to pick up and at Temuka, Orari, Hinds, Ashburton, and certain stations North thereof to set down, leaves Timaru 6.35 p.m., arriving Christchurch 10.10 p.m. Afternoon train from Timaru leaves 5.3 p.m., arriving Ashburton 7.9 p.m. FAIRLIE BRANCH. —The evening train from Timaru leaves 4.30 p.m., arriving Fairlie 6.41 p.m. TIMARU-RACECOURSE. —Special trains leave Timaru for the Racecourse at 10.50, and 12.10 p.m., returning at 4.37 p.m. TIMARU-OAMARU —The morning train from Oamaru leaves at 8.10 a.m., Studholme 9.33, arriving Timaru 10.40 a.m. The morning train from Timaru leaves 7.58 a.m., Studholme 9.30, arriving Oamaru 11.1 a.m. The afternoon train from Timaru leaves at 5.20 p.m., arriving Oamaru 7.56 p.m. WAIMATE BRANCH. —The morning train from Waihao Downs leaves 7.56 a.m., arriving Studholme 9.S a.m. Special train leaves Studholme for Waimate 5.45 p.m., returning Waimate to Studholme 6.13 p.m. Evening train to Waihao Downs leaves Studholme 6.43 p.m. Usual 9.9 a.m. train leaves Studholme 9.40 a.m., arriving 'Waimate 9.52 a.m. HOLIDAY EXCURSION TICKETS TO TIMARU will be issued from Ashburton, Oamaru, Fairlie, Waihao Downs, and intermediate stations on direct line of route by trains arriving at Timaru up to 10.40 a.m. on 21st July, available for return to 23rd July, 1928'. SPECIAL FARES TO RACECOURSE. —Return Timaru to Race course (including course Admission) 3/6. Return Timaru to Racecourst (for passengers holding free' admit: sion tickets) 1/6. Single Racecourse to Timaru l/L. For fuller particulars see hand bills or inquire at stations.
* *< \aA\ :<V? ■ffi f\+ .>%>“’' *• < naaC&ZSuS 7.75ZH3 FT'S always Summer in T ahiti, ■*■ “the most fascinating o 1 all Pacific Isles.” Spend a glorious holiday in Tahiti this Winter ! It’s only a few days distant—a 6 weeks’ trip ‘means nearly 4 weeks ashore. Arrive Steamer Wellington Aug. 1-i. Msungucui, Sep. 24. Wares r From £35 First Class From £25 Second Class Union Steam Ship Co. of N.Z. Ltd. 7 Leave Wellington 3flE EUROPE via CANADIAN PACIFIC. A shorter and more pleasant journey of 28 days. Seventeen delightful days acrosr the Pacific to Vancouver. Three days and seventeen hours In luxurious trains—up-to-the-minute appointments for your comfort—unexcelled personal service and courtesy. Six more days on a speedy, palatial i Canadian Pacific Atlantic liner—tin: i same unequalled C.P.R. service al ways at hand. These are reasons for the ever increasing popularity of the Canadian Pacific route to Europe. Decide tr go this way. Steamer, train and hotel reservations arranged at Auckland in advance. Apply to—• UNION S.S. CO., or A, W. Essex. Passenger Manager for New Zealand. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, 32-34, Quay Street, Auckland. R.2J.S. “AORANGI” & "NIAGARA,” “MAKUIIA” & ‘TAHITI.” PASSENGERS by the above Steam era booking Through Tickots to England, may connect at New York. Montreal, etc., witn the magniliceni steamers of the WHITE STAR LINE. Allotments of accommodation held here. Berths may be selected and passage tickets obtained in exchange lor Atlantic portion of through tickets before leaving dVew Zealand. PANAMA-PACIFIC LINE. Regular sailings of comfortable steamers between San Francisco and Now York, via Los Angeles, Panama Canal, and Havana. Through pas fiengers may travel by this Line at about the same cost, instead of crossing Canada or America by rail. For further particulars, apply— DA LOFTY AYD COMPANY, LTD., NATIONAL MORTGAGE A AGENCY CO.. LTD I HAVE MONEY TO LEND ON Pianos, Furniture, Sewing Machines, otc, without removal; ivpayable by easy weekly instalments, confidential. HARRY ELLWOOD, 98 STAFFORD STREET, TIMARU, And tax ARMAGH ST.. CHRISTCHURCH
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 2
Word Count
710Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 2
Using This Item
Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.