T. MARY’S CHURCH TIMARU. SUNDAY SERVICES. Sfc. Mnry’s: Holy Communion 8 find 12.. Diamond Jubilee Commemoration Service, 11 am. Evensong G. 30 p.m. St. Michael’s: Holy Comjmmion, 9.30 a. in. St. John’s: Holy Communion 8 a.m. Matins 11 a.m. St. Peter’s: Evensong, 6.30 p.m. All Saints: Holy Communion 9 a.m. Young People’s Service 9.45 a.m. Evensong 6.30 p.m. St. Saviour’s: Evensong 4 p.m. C HA REV. P. L M E R S CHURCH Prea( her : GLADSTONE HUGHES. B.A. Morning.—“ Lest We Eorgot—A Tribute to the Pioneers.” Anthem. —“Blake’s Jerusalem.” v'l'ho new National Anthem.) Foundations Evening.—“A City with —An Appeal for Chiistian Citizenship.” Anthem. —“Prepare Ye the Way.” (Garrett). Solo. —“O Rest in the Lord.” Mra Jenkins. T KIN IT Y PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Barnard Street. SERVICES TO-MORROW. 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Preacher: REV. A. J. H. DOW, 8.A., B.D. Evening Anthem (Solo).—“There is a Green Hill.” (Gounod.) All seats free. Everyone welcome.
ETHODIST CHURCH. •DIAMOND JUBILEE COMMEMORATION SERVICES. Bank Street Church. Preacher: REV. HAROLD T. PEAT. II a.m. —“Filial Reverence.” 0.30 p.m. —Civic Service. Subject: “Our Debt to the Pioneer.” Special Anthem by Choir. His Worship the Mayor, the Mayoress, and Councillors will be present. The public cordially invited. Pioneers specially welcome. Woodlands Street, 11.a.m., Mr C. G. Vogelcr; 6.30 p.m., Rev. P. i. Cooke. Kensington, 11 a.m., Mr R. Stewart; 6.30 p.m., Rev. K. A. Robinson. Waimatailai, 11 a.m., Mr J. Workman; 6.30 p.m., Mr T. Steele. Pareora (Upper), 11 a.m., Rev. K. A. Robinson. Pareora (Lower), 11 a.m., Rev. P. I. Cooke (H.C.) Kingsdown, 3 p.m., Rev. K. A. Robinson. Fairview, 3 p.m., Mr H. Hi Brown. . OONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. North Street. ■ Preacher: REV. F. J. SHAW. B.A. DIAMOND JUBILEE SERVICES. • At 11 a.m., and 6,30 p.m. Evening Subject.—“A Religion for Pioneers.” Anthem.—“ Thine, O Lord, is the Greatness.” (Kent.) Soloist. —Mrs J. Croker. Special Jubilee Hymns. Visitors welcome; APTTRT CHURCH Wilson Street. (Off North and Church Sts,) Minister: REV. C. AV. DUNCUMB. 11, —“Where There is no Vision, the People Perish ” 6.30. —Parade of Orange Lodges. A 7 isitors made AVeleome. THE SALVATION ARMY. SUNDAY. 7 a.m. —“Come to Prayer.” 11 a.m.—Children’s Address. Adjutant F. Birks. 3 p.m—Music, Song and Testimony. 7 p.m.—“Caro and its Cure.” Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Reception to Brigadier F. Burton. Divisional Commander. His AVorship the Mayor, . presiding. FOR SALE. PONTIAC SIX COACH. ONLY DONE 1000 MILES. Fitted with Bumper Bars, Front and Rear, Luggage Carrier., This Car Is in Beautiful Order, and as good as new, which carries a twelve months’ guarantee. Privately owned by a Timaru Business Man, who has purchased Oakland Sedan. FOR QUICK SALE—£29S. E. 0. HEN3HAW, SERVICE STATION, AVAIMATAITAI ’PUone 1018.
LADIES A Wonderful Advance in Permanent Waving By ALAN LUCOLK’S METHOD. MORE LASTING. EASIER TO SET. MOST NATURAL. CAMBRIDGE BUILDINGS. STAFFORD STREET, TIMARU. FOR YOUR NEXT WAVE. Tel. 1319. Tel. 1319. “RICHFIELD” READ A USER’S OPINION OP THIS HIGH GRADE SPIRIT. Palmerston North, Ist May, 1928. “Regarding RICHFIELD MOTOR SPIRIT and Gasolene. I have used this exclusively for several months, for metal pulling, off the river-bed, where often I am axle-deep in sand and metal. I have tried most other brands of spirit, and not one can by any means e(jual RICHFIELD. I also use RICHFIELD on my Wanganui Run, and for hill work RICHFIELD is unsurpassed. Its power is great. (Signed) 11. SOUTHEE. MOODY, ANNAND & CO., EESWICK STREET, DISTRIBUTING AGENTS. McINTYRE’S Extra Strong I> gulating. Pills. Ladies recommend /hem.' Sold everywhere. 5s fri per
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 2
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