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MONTHLY MEETING. The monthly meeting of the Timaru A. and P. Association was held yesterday. Present—Messrs L. J. Grant (president), J. S. Barker, W,. J. Bassett, J. E. P. Cameron, H. Elwortliy, R. W. Irving, E. Kell and, W. J. Kelland, H. Lowry, G. A. M. Macdonald, J. Maze M. O’Connor, C. L. Orbell, N. M. Orbell, P. Porter, R. Parry, W. J. Barry, T. R. Rhodes, W. T. Ritchie, P. R. Talbot, and i> E. H. Tripp.. The Royal'Agricultural Society of New Zealand wrote advising that it bad decided to run its own, Royal Shows in the future, and hoped that all A. and P. Associations throughout the Dominion would contribute to the prize funds, by sending int heir annual subscriptions. The letter asked thatnotice bo brought before members in regard to the Timaru Association’s 1 suboription. It was resolved that the subscription bo passed for payment. A letter was received from the same source, stating that the secretary had decided to issue a new list of judges. The list would be compiled In two parts, and the Temuka Association was asked to forward the name’s of men competent to judge in the various classes of their show schedules.
It was resolved that the lists be forwarded as soon as possible. The chairman said a suggestion had been made whereby junior judges be appointed, in addition to the senior judges. They could work _ with the senior judges, and bo initiated into the methods of judging. It was thought that the suggestion tvas a very good one. The .opinion of the senior judges could bo obtained, and the scheme should be very valuable to the secretary in future years. - It was decided that the sub-commit-tee be empowered to appoint junior judges. The secretary of the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Association wrote stating that at the annual meeting of the above Society, the following resolution was unanimously carried “That the joint recommendations unanimously adopted by the representatives of both the primary and secondary industries at the recent Industrial Conference, be given effect to, and the Industrial Conciliation Arbitration Ar.-t amended ncco.-dingly.” _ It was further decided that the decision ho communicated to the Prime Minister, and that) all Societies in the Dominion he asked to join in urging the Prime Minister to give the force of law to the recommendations. The support of the Timaru Association was requested. It was decided that the matter bo held over, until more information be secured. The information supplied was too vague. , . ' The secretary of the. New Zealand Ayreshire Cattle Breeders’ Association advised that the following remit at their annual conference had been unanimously carried. —“That all A.. and P. Associations bo asked to make it mandatory that all animals entered for competition (if over 12 months of age), shall bo registered, and that the words, ‘or eligible for registration,’ be deleted.” The letter trusted the Timaru Association would give effect to the resolution. It was pointed out that the Ayrshire classes at Timaru took all registered cattle.
The letter was received. The Town Clerk (Mr O. Machattie) wrote thanking the Association for its co-operation in the matter of the proposed Mayoral chain, and for the promised donation of £5. —Received. A letter was received from Mr S. Dale (Fairview) suggesting a sale of pedigree stock to be held in August, 1929. The sales conducted at shows were not altogether successful. The matter was left to the Oattlo Committee, who could afterwards moot breeders.
The Royal Agricultural Society forwarded resolutions affecting A. and P. Associations, as carried at th© recent conference.
The resolutions were adopted with out discussion.
The Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce Co. forwarded a donation of £4 4s, for a class of a pen of four lambs, etc.
The Sheep Committee reported trial they* had written asking the Company to allow the class for throe, as ail other classes arc lor three lambs. So far. no reply had been received.
The action of the Committee was confirmed. Mr W. FI. Orbell (Levels) wrote i> - commending that from Class 116, the breeding of all sheep entered shall be minted in «he catalogue.
The suggestion of the Sheep _ Committee, that this he carried out in the halfbred classes was also confirmed. A letter was received from the New Zealand Meat Producers’ Association, acknowledging the nomination of Mr G. A. M. Macdonald, Oraii, as «, candidate for election as delegate to the Electoral Committee, which meets in Wellington on August 30, 1928.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 9
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751A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 9
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A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 9
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