Rescue .Work Proceeding.
POSITION STILL OBSCURE. (Unltad Pross Association —By Electric Telegraph—Copyright.) (Received July 13, 7.30 p.m.) ROME, July 12. The Citta di Milano telegraphs that the Krassin last night took aboard the remaining members of the stranded party, under Lieutenant "Yighen. The wording of the message is ominous, suggesting a further casualty or casualties. MOSCOW, July 12. The Krassin yesterday afternoon, when three miles from the Vigben party, passing the scene of the disaster to the Italia, noticed a number of men giving signals, and replied tii at it would pick them up on the return journey. Professor Samoilovitch, in charge or the Krassin relief expedition, believes that these were alpine chasseurs who had been sent to search for General Nobile and bis companions. Mariano and Znppi are ill.
(United Press Association —By Electrle Telegraph—Copyright.) (Received July 13, 8.20 p.m.) LONDON, July 13-
The Krassin’s rescue adds, another thrilling chapter to the tragic Arctic story, and accounts for all the Italia s crew, except those carried away with the envelope of the dirigible. It is feared that these perished through the ship catching fire. The wording of the Krassin s message is regarded as confirming Cecioni’s death, previously cabled. _ Malmgrem’s was the greatest act ot heroism and self-sacrifice in the Polar regions since Captain Oates walked into a blizzard to die, is the verdict of the newspapers. Malmgrem, weakened as the result of a broken hand, when the Itaiia crashed, grew feebler until there came a morning when he found both his legs frozen. Mariano and Zappi would have remained, but Malmgrem implored them to leave him. Reluctantly they consented, and he was left in the bitter loneliness of the Arctic, near Broch Island, to "face the fate he had chosen in order that his friends chance of safety might be greater.
Captain Oates and Malmgrem both sacrificed their lives for their comrades, and - faced death rather than be a burden.
Mariano and Zappi clambered on to an iceberg, which drifted with the wind, and there remained until their rescue. They declared that during the long ordeal they saw no fewer than eight aeroplanes, and they nearly went mad because none noticed them. Another hero is Chukhnovsky, who wirelessed the Krassin, after his forced landing: “Never mind me; save my four companions.” *
GENERAL NOBILE’S HEALTH IMPROVING. (United Pres# Association —By Elsetris Telegraph—Copyright.) MOSCOW, July 13. The Krassin is going on with the search for members of the Italia s crew who were carried away in the envelope of the dirigible. It will also search for Captain Amundsen and Lieutenant Guilbaud, for whom Captain Ravozzoni yesterday conducted a fruitless six-hour search, from Thomsoe, aboard the Marina seaplane. .The sealer Braganza is setting out to rescue Chukhovsky. The health of General Nobile is improving.
(United Press Association—By Electria Telegraph—Copyright.) MOSCOW, July 12. The Krassin has rescued Zappi and Mariano, but Malmgren had been dead a month. , The Krassin at 6.40 a.m. found Malmgren’s companions 80-39 north, 26-07 east. . . Zappi and Mariano were cheerful though they had not eaten for thirteen Tha Krassin took them aboard and continued in the direction of Viglieri’s party, 20 miles away. The latest reports indicate good progress and much free water. Znppi and Mariano, who were hall frozen and exhausted when found, said they had abandoned hope. One of his legs is useless. Malmgrem’s body _is _ aboard tne Krassin, which is continuing the effort to reach Viglieri’s party. After refuelling, Chukovsky again departed to attempt to rescue the marooned men.
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 9
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