NEVER BEFORE HAVE TIMARUVIANS BEEX OFFERED THE GTGANTIO BARGAINS THAI' ARE NOW BEING SHOWN AT ALSTON’S SALE. LADIES’ HAND BAGS. A Big Selection All Greatly Reduced. Usual Price 40/- now 27/-; 32/now 22/-; 25/- now 18/-; 18/9 now 12/-. UNDERARM BAGS — 40/- now 29/-; 35/- now 23/-; 30/- now 15/-; 25/- now 16/-; 20/- now 10/-; 12/6 now 7/6; 4/11 now 3/11. POUCH BAGS, Soft Leather, the Latest Style—- , 32/6 now 23/-; 28/- now 21/-; 20/- now 15/-; 18/- now 13/9. SUNSHINE PURSES, Solid Leather, with Small Inside Purse. Usual Price 10/9 now 6/-; ,6/6 now 3/11; 8/6 now 4/6; 6/now 2/6; 7/11 now 2/6; 3/6 now 2/3. FRAME BAGS—--30- now 15/-; 25/- now 12/-; 20/- now 10/-; 18/- now 8/6; 13/9 now 6/-. STATIONERY. 100 Page Writing Tablet, Good Quality Paper. Alston’s Price, 6d Each. 100 Page BlockUsual Price Price 9d Good Quality Envelopes— , Usual Price 6d pkt. Now 4 Pkts 1/Blue or White Mimosa Envelopes— Usual Price 6d, Now 3 Pkts 1/-. Good Quality Linen, Tissue Lined Envelopes in Mauve, White, Blue. Usual Price Bd, now f*d pkt. BUSINESS ENVELOPES, Extra Strong—--4 Pkts 1/-; 8/6 per 1000. HAIR BRUSHES, Real BristleUsual Price 9/6 now 4/11; 8/6 now 4/9;* 6/6 now 3/6; 2/6 now lOd. Whalebone on Ebony— Sale Prices 4/11 and 3/11. COMBS, Black Only—--7/6 now 2/6; 3/- now 1/6; 2/now 1/-; 1/9 now lOd. AT THE GIGANTIC SALE.
"[ft/r EMBERS are requested to at±yJL tend the Funeral of Uio late 25/1031 SERGEANT FRED. WALLACE, 3rd. Battalion, N.Z.R.8., leaving his father’s residence, 13 Evans Street, THIS DAY, SATURDAY, at 3.20 p.m.
LODGE OF ST. JOHN, 1137 E.O BRETHREN of tho above Lodge aro lecjnested to attend the Funeral of tho Into BRO. F. AVA.LLACE. leaving his late residence, Evans Stroet, at 3.20 TO-DAY.
Page 8 Advertisements Column 4
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 8
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