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The Trustees Executors aud ' Agency Company of N.Z, Limited, (DUNEDIN ESTATES ADMINISTERED SINCE 18S2. A Company of Specialists. Think of it! Forty-six years of continuous service ns Trustees and Executors of Estates both bite huS small. Imagine the value of the accumulated experience of those years. The Trustees Executors and Agency Co. of N.Z. Ltd. ofler unsurpassed facilities for the transaction of every class of Trustee work. Facilities such as no private trustee can accord are placed at your disposal. By naming this Company as your Trustee and Executor, you avail yourself of its wide knowledge and experience. You are assured of sound economical administration of your affairs, year in and year out. "The Trustees Executors” possesses none of the disadvantages of the private trustee, who is hut an individual liable to ills and troubles sufficient to interfere with the efficient administration of your estate. Fullest particulars are gladly supplied by— INNES-JONES. JENKINS, AND CO., District Representatives, DOMINION BUILDINGS, TIMARU. Local Advisory Directors — Herbert Elworthy, Esq. Norman Orbell, Esq. Gladstone Robinson. Eaq. THE PUBLIC ARE SPECIALLY INVITED T.O INSPECT AT Z. BEEPS LATE SHOP (Opposite the Post Office) . The Splendid Array of — CARPETS, RUGS, CLOCKS, KERBS, FOLDING TABLES, EASY CHAIRS, SETTERS, AND OTHER HIGHCLASS FURNITURE, | The Whole of which is TO BE OFFERED BY PUBLIC AUCTION [ SHORTLY. Full Particulars will be j Advertised by the Auctioneers. PLEASE NOTE: I hare only One Address Now for My Business — Z. BERI, CORNER STAFFORD AND WOOLLCOMBE STREETS. . W. J. LISTER, FUNERAL FURNISHER. LATEST MOTOR SERVICE. 87 Stafford Street. ’Phone 142. Residence, 36 Bank St. ’Phone 157. Alex. Henderson & Co., UNDERTAKERS. (Successor to J. Radcliffe.' PREMISES: ARTHUR STREET, (Opposite Public Library.) Business ’Phone 951. Alex. Henderson Win. Bird, 40 Sell on St. 4 b n,vans Street. Telephone 1183. Telephone 1271. MODERN MOTOR SERVICE.
THE JUBILEE WEEK-END THE FAR-FLUNG CELEBRATIONS OF THE FOUNDING OF SOUTH -CANTERBURY. TIMARU-ON-THE-SEA ITS CAPITAL. BUILT ON A ROCK. THOMSONS’ INVITE ALL CANTERBURY TO ITS BANQUET OP NEW AND APPROPRIATE GOODS. SALE PRICES. THE GOODS WERE DELAYED FOR GOOD AND SUFFICIENT REASONS. THE FACT THAT MONDAY, JULY Ist, MANY RANGES OF GOODS WERE DECLARED BY LAW DUTY FREE. WORTH WHILE HOLDING OFF A DAY OR TWO, EVEN THOUGH STORAGE RATES HAD TO BE PAID. GOODS OF DEGREE. GOODS OF DISTINCTION. GOODS FOR THE SEASON, f DUTY FREE IN MANY CASES. '■ ALL AT SALE PRICES BESIDES. ALSO DOMINION PRODUCTS. Langdale 3S/40 Check Dress Goods, 1/3- —12 Colours and Designs. Flannels, Sheetings, All Wool Dress Repps trom 3/74, 42-in., any length SHOWROOM—COATS, FURS, NECKLETS, TIES, CHOKERS, STOLES. TO GO! TO GO! BLANKETS! BLANKETS! BLANKETS! BLANKETS! .CONTRACTED FOR 320 PAIRS 10 TO 11 MONTHS AGO. HAVE BEEN INCREASING OUR TURNOVER, AND RUNNING THESE OUT EVER SINCE. GREY BLANKETS, at Sale Price. Wool 15/9, 21/6, 27/11, 32/6. WHITE DO., Whiter than Snow, 19/6, 23/6, 26/11 Larger, Largest 32/6. 35/-, 42/-. Extra Out Sizes, too. REVOLUTIONARY PRICES. SALE DOES IT. 4 A FEW LADIES’ ODD TWEED COSTUMES, 6/11. Wool Knitted Robes, Full Sizes, 9/11. Hats for the Million. Furlyke 1/-. New Smart Velvet and Fur Toques and Capelines, 2/11, 5/11. FOR THE PROCESSION! Sound Fur Coats from £9 19s 6d. Real • Musquash and others about £SO down to £ll 11s. Velour Coats. Fur Collars also. Misses’ and Child’s 5/11 and 6/11. ALL AT SALE! TO RUN OUT! NEVER CARRY ANYTHING OVER IF POSSIBLE. SHEETS HEMMED FREE OF CHARGE. Herringbone 54-in. for Single Bed 1/9. Only 8/9 for Pair. Complete Twill 1/7J, would fetch half more at auction. A Few Odd Jumpers and Cardigans, Knitted—Good Style, 3/9, 4/11. See Windows. Fur Chokers. Fur Stoles. Choice from 3/11. Take a Real Down Quilt home from the Jubilee, or a Real Kid Dorothy Bag and Pair Gloves. Embroidered Seed Pearls, 18/11. A-King’s present to a lady—42/- in London. Real choice, not one fault—in Bois, Grey, Fawn. ANYTHING IN THOMSONS’ WAREHOUSE. THE GREAT WINTEJ. SALE PROGRESSES. GETTING INTO ITS BEST! Boys’ Overcoats 15/6 up. Gentlemen’s Sizes 33/6 to 85/-. Won’t mention Duty Free Linoleum and Floorcloths. Makes a difference of 1/6 to 3/6 a yard in Selling Price., Heavy Twill Flannelette for Pyjamas 1/4J, 1/11 at War-time—New Prices Though. Squirrel Tails 19/11. Lovely Gloves. Hosiery. THOMSONS’ SALE UNLIMITED,
OPEN WAREHOUSE, Our Motto: No Shoddy Goods. F. G. SMITH AND CO. r - George Street. We Guarantee Our Prices to be Below Sale Prices ail the Year Round. £3OOO WORTH OF STOCK TO CLEAR BY JULY 31. THIS WEEK. Flannel Frocks —5/6 to 21/6 Ladies’ Top Coats, from 10/6. Ladies’ Sample Vests, from Sd. Ladies' Wool Cardigans. Good Serviceable Shades, 10/6. 811 k. Hose, Special Shades, Sd Pr. THIS WEEK. SPECIAL! Boys’ Strong Boots, Nailed, for Country Wear. Sizes 10 to 13. From 8/11 Pair. Boys’ Shirts, Navy 3/11. Boys’ Navy Shorts, 4/6. Boys’ Tweed Suits, from IS/11-
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 8
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796Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 8
Using This Item
Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.