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From to-day we are having a clearance week of all our ladies’ felt hats and fur trimmed velour coats, all at half price, 21/-, 27/6, 40/- to 60/—all this season’s goods. Many other lines in cardigans and winter requirements greatly reduced. R. Knox and Co., drapers, Pleasant Point.
20 dozen all wool cashmere hose, new shades, to clear at 2/9 a pair at “The Louvre’’ sale
The South School will he the scene of another popular social this evening. Good floor, good music.
Good news for men. From to-day we are greatly reducing our overcoats, cardigans, suits, shirts and many other lines. Special, two dress shirts for 7/6 or 4/- each. See our window for bargains. R. Knox and Co., drapers, Pleasant Point
“Fugi Excelsls,” the ideal cloth for all purposes. Just like silk, in all new shades. Just opened up at “The Louvre.” Special price 1/9 a yard
Fifty years’ service to the public of South Canterbury, and still going stronger than ever, and to celebrate this great event, McGruer, Davies and Co. are holding a gigantic jubilee sale. Profit is out of the question on this occasion. The following are just a few of the special prices: 27in linen and cotton tea cloth, jubilee price 8/11 dozen; 2 dozen tea coseys good colours, floral cretonnes, jubilee price 1/11 each; printed bedspreads In light and dark colours, jubilee price 9/11 each; 10 pairs of heavy quality white blankets, these are a special offer, usual price 59/6, jubilee price 39/6 pair; all wool striped shirtings, for warm wear, jubilee price 2/11 yard; 1 piece of Shetland all wool colonial flannel, jubile'e price 1/6 5 yard. We are offering cur eiderdown quilts at extra special prices for this week only £1 to £2 reduction off every quilt. Now is the time to purchase these goods at the special prices offered. Visit McGruer, Davies and Co.’s jubilee sale to-day, and every day to secure the best value obtainable Four dozen ladies’ all wool navy knickers, 4/11 a pair at “The Louvre” Sale This is the last w'eek of the curtain specialist’s winter sale, and this is a stocktaking sale. The balance of our eiderdowns are for absolute clearance—see the values this week. Curtain nets, cushions, blankets, lamp shades, all at tempting prices this week. R. P. Carter, soft (furnishing specialist, 290 Stafford Street. . .
Rowntree’s chocolate has hit the market the world over, because of its exceptional food qualities. Everyone knows the virtues Of chocolate in such a time of distress, and no one should know better than Baron Huenefeld, Captain Koehl and Commander Fitzmaurice, the aviators who made the first East-West Atlantic flight recently. They had with them supply of Rowntree’s Plain York—a motoring chocolate, the nourishing Qualities of which enabled f hem to survive the rigours of the cold until rescued. This chocolate can be obtained at “The Regent” in half pound blocks at 1/6 each. ..
Never befofe in tl-c history of Alston’s trading have the Timaru public been offered the unique bargains that are now being shown. In all classes of goods these bargains are prominent. All crockery reduced. Teasets going at half price; hair brushes at half price, hand bags greatly reduced. Big bargains in stationery, toilet goods, aluminium, glassware, children’s books, and general fancy goods. Call early to get the bargains at Alston’s. ..
Why not have your gramophone overhauled by an expert, and at the oome time pay less? lam an expert mecnanic, being an instructor ‘ for yearar and the quality of. my work is the best possible, and the cost Is the lowest in town. All springs and parts guaranteed high-class English product only. "W. Figgins, Markham Flats. ....
oee the new style rubber aprons, large sizes, dainty colours. Only 3/6 at “The Louvre” sale.
The sale which must attract most householders’ immediate attention, is tbsfit, of Porter’s great annual stocktakfng Bale of crockqry and household hardware, now in full swing. Porter’s emporium is a popular household -word '.hroughout South Canterbury for jhoicest.and largest range «f crockery, chinaware and glassware, while the comprehensive stocks of all household requisites in hardware enabled the busy and thrifty housxwife to select all requirements in one big. shopping centre. Genuine money savers present themselves everywhere in Porter’s emporium
Hot Water Bags.—A good fresh supply of .best quality English hot water bags has just been opened up. All our bags are new season’s rubber, and do not consist ot last season’s, bvery bag has been specially tested by experts In the English factory, and guaranteed by them o be absolutely reliable in every way. We give you our own guarantee also that if you do not get the wear out of it that you should expect, we will replace it for you absolutely free of charge. Our makers give us this guarantee, so wo have every confidence In selling you this bag. It has the patent stopper that cannot leak, and is the best and cheapest bag ever offered to the public. Call and inspect this heavy quality hot water bag. Price 6/6 and 7/6 each. E. C. Ayres, M.P.S., Ph.C., Chemiut, 76 and 78 Stafford Street South, Timaru
Girls’ coats in all sizes and colours every one to clear at half-price at “The Louvre” sale Coughs and Colds. —When you have a cough or cold, don’t experiment with many of the so-called cough cures on the market. Take a tried and proved remedy made by a chemist of experience. Ayres’ Cough Balm is such a remedy. It is equally efficacious whether the cough is of a bronchial nature or an ordinary winter cough. It quickly effects removal of the phlegm from the chest, and allays the tickling of the throat, which induces flits of coughing. It does not contain any narcotics, and is equally safe for young and old. Keep a bottle in the home for immediate use when necessary. Price 2/6 bottle. E. C. Ayres, M.P.S., Ph.C., Chemist. 76 and 78 Stafford Street South, Timaru
10 pieces snow white longcloth, 3 6 inches wide, absolutely pure. Sale price 1/- a yard at “The Louvre.” . .
The season is rapidly approaching when shirts will And their way to the laundry bag more quickly than usual. He is a wise man who takes advantage of Cameron’s shirt display in order to fit out his stock of these garments. They’re selling like wildfire at 5/11 each, or two for 11/ 6. . .
Now is the time t.o do it. Why shiver through another winter? Allow N. E. Edwards and Co., Church St., to quote you for a modern fireplace, ■which will supply excessive comfort and add style and value to your home. Our prices are the lowc t. Open Friday evenings. .. . •
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 2
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1,118NEWS AND NOTES. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 2
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NEWS AND NOTES. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 2
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