•I (From Our Own Correspondent.)
CHRISTCHURCH, July 13. A DESPICABLE THEFT.. • “When a man commits theft sfuch.' as this, there is only one way to deal with him —one month’s imprisonment with hard labour,” said Mr E. D. Mosley, S.M., in sentencing Stanley Robert Webber in the Magistrate’s Court. ■ “This is a case oi Lheft from, a graveside at Bromley cemetery.": stated 1 Sub-Inspector Fitzpatrick. “The complainant is uname to identify the offender.” , Webber was charged that on July 5 he stole a lady’s handbag and oii- : tents, of a total value of £2. ■ . ~ , Upon the Sub-Inspector handing in a document, the Magistrate said that accused had already had a fairly long . term of probation, and it did noit seem'to have done him much goodt' It was a very mean theft and accused would be sentenced to one month’s imprisonment with hard labour.
RANFURLY SHIELD MATCH. < M. L. Page, the Canterbury halD hack, will captain Canterbury in the Ranfurly Shield match against-South* Canterbury. .* It is probable that J. B. Jackson will be appointed vice-captain. . . • Page’s appointment is interesting, owing to the fact that lie is captain of the Canterbury representative' cricket team. The weather was .dull and damp to-day, but it is fairly clear: to-night, and conditions should be satisfactory, for the match to-morrow. The South Canterbury team arrived this evening and were given a cordial welcome by Rugby Union officials. The team will return to Timaru by the night train on Sunday. SIR GEORGE CLIFFORD. Sir George' Clifford is at present in. Lewisham Hospital. He was unable to attend the session of the New Zealand Racing Conference held in Christchurch.
CHRISTCHURCH SOUTH SEAT. To-day a deputation waited on. Mr E. H. Andrews and asked him to allow himself to be nominated for the Christchurch South seat on behalf of the United Party. Mr Andrews has promised to consider the request and give an early reply. Mr Andrews is a member of the City Council, the Tramway Board, the Education Board, the Technical College Board, the Fire Board, and. other public bodies. He was a candidate for Christchurch North at tha general election in 1922 as an Independent Reform. Mr H. G. Ell, who represented Christchurch South for many years, but retired in 1919, has definitely decided that he will not be a candidate for the seat at the coming election.
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 8
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