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STALLS 3d and 6d. MATINEE TO-DAY. DRESS CIRCLE 6d. THE CLIMBERS THE CLIMBERS THE CLIMBERS THE CLIMBERS THE CLIMBERS THE CLIMBERS Clyde Fitch’s Famous Story, starring IRENE RICH, With Forrest Stanley, Clyde Cook. Our Gang Comedy. Pathe Gazette. THE COSY GRAND THEATRE. Presents This Evening—A Thrilling Melodrama Well "Written, Well Filmed, Well Directed, and Splendidly Acted. “THE CLIMBERS” “THE CLIMBERS” Clyde Fitch’s Emotional Drama— Featuring IRENE RICH IRENE RICH Supported by FORREST STANLEY, FLOBELLE FAIRBANKS, CLYDE COOK. A Glittering, Scheming Climber ... a great lady disgraced . . . banished from Spain .... torn from her child .. . wild seas . . . hatred changing a heart to gall . . . making the gentle one, the slave driver . . . rich . . . harsh . . . hated by those she tortures . . . then galloping hoofs ... a stranger . . . the laughing bandit from the hills . . . and . . . ? OUR GANG COMEDY “ Commencement Day.” PATHE GAZETTE. PATHE GAZETTE. PATHE GAZETTE. Prices: Stalls 1/-, Dress Circle 1/6, Reserves 2/-. Theatre Tel. 486. THEATRE ROYAL. GRAND FAREWELL CONCERT TO REES McCONACHY MONDAY, JULY 16—Commencing at 7.45 p.m.:—MONDAY, JULY 16. PROGRAMME: PART I. 1— Timaru Municipal Band. 2 Euphonium Solo—Mr L. .E. Osborne. 3 Violin Solo—Rees McConachy. 4 Songs (2) —Mrs Tait. 5 Pianoforte- Solo—Mrs N. D. Mangos. 6 Songs (2) —Mr Geo. Andrews. 7 Violin Solo—Mr Rees McConachy 8— Trinity Ladies Choir. o—Timaru Orpheus Society. Part 11. 1— Orchestral Society. 2 Character Sketch —H. Ward. 3 Songs (2) —Mrs J. M. Jenkins. 4 Violin Solo—Rees McConachy. 5 Humorous Item —Mr R. Malcolm G—Farewell Speech—His Worship the Mayor. 7—Timaru Highland Pipe Band. National Anthem. Box Plans Now Open at The Bristol. TICKETS: 4/-, 3/-, and 2/-. House Manager, T. P. Crowe. Stage Managers, H. S. Moore and D. Parkin. R. L. EAMES, Business Manager. SPECIAL! AT PLOUGHING MATCH EXHIBITION. TO-DAY! TO-DAY! FREE SET PLUGS WITH EACH FORD TYRE. TUBE FREE WITH EACH MOTOR-CYCLE TYRE. TUBE FREE WITH EACH CYCLE COVER. 30 x3i TUBES 7/6. SPECIAL LINE OF COVERS EQUALLY CHEAP. WE WILL HAVE A FULL RANGE OF TYRES, GUM BOOTS, HOT WATER BOTTLES, AND ALL SUNDRIES AT THE STAND. PARA RUBBER CO., LTD, ’PHONE* 1,072. TIMARU. " ' ‘ DISTRIBUTORS SEIBERLING TYRES AND TUBES. LET US QUOTE YOU FOR YOUR NEXT TYRE. The Royal New Zealand Society for the Health of Women and Children. SPECTACULAR AND VOCAL ENTERTAINMENT “POT POURI ” “POT POURI ” Including “THE CHARM OF OLD CHINA,” in Beautiful Tableaux Produced under the Personal Direction of “The President” Timaru Branch THEATRE ROYAL—TUESDAY, JULY 81st. TICKETS: 5/- and 3/-. TICKETS: 5/- and 3/-. Obtainable from All Members of the Plunket Committee. Ticket Holders May Reserve 5/- Seats for Dress Circle and Reserved Stalls FREE at The Bristol Piano Coy. Box Plan Opens THURSDAY, JULY 26.
WALKER’S TOURIST SERVICE, RANFURLY SHIELD MATCH. CANTERBURY V. SOUTH CANTERBURY. TO-DAY. TO-DAY! MINERVA BLUEBIRD ’BUS WILL LEAVE CLUB HOTEL CORNER AT 8 A.M., RETURNING FROM RINK TAXIS’ GARAGE, CHRISTCHURCH, SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 2.30 P.M. RETURN FARE £l. BOOK EARLY. For Information or Seat Bookings call at Moore’s, Confectioner, Stafford Street North, or Ring ’Phone 12 41. PLOUGHING MATCH TO-DAY. BUSES LEAVE OLD BANK CORNER AT INTERVALS FROM 10.30 a.m. FOR THE PLOUGHING MATCH. CHRISTCHURCH TO DUNEDIN. WHITE STAR DAILY MOTOR EXPRESS SERVICE. Fare—B9/- Single. TIMETABLE: CHRISTCHURCH DEPART DAILY (Except Monday and Including Sundays)—At 8 a.m., Ashburton 9.30 a.m., Geraldine 10.45 a.m. Ternuka 11 a.m., Timaru 11.30 a.m., arrive Waimate 12.30 p.m. f'Lunch); depart Waimate 1 p.m., Oamaru 2.30 p.m., Palmerston V 45 p.m., arrive Dunedin 5.30 p.m. Cars Leave Colosseum Garage (White Diamond Cabs) Gloucester Street. , . DUNEDIN DEPART DAILY (Except Mondays and Including Sundays)at 8.30 a.m., Palmerston 10.30 a.m., Oamaru 11.45 a.m., arrive Waimate 12.30 p.m. (Lunch); depart Waimate 1 p.m., Timaru 2 p.m.. Temuka 2.30 p.m., Geraldine 3 p.m., Ashburton 4.30 p.m., arrive Christchurch 6 p.m. Cars Leave White Star Garage, Princess Street. SEATS MAY BE RESERVED AT—LISTER’S GARAGE. Timaru. Telephones 815 (Garage) and 937 T (Private), Royal Hotel, WAimate. COLOSSEUM GARAGE (White Diamond Cabs) Christchurch, .telephones 2539 and 2198. ... STAR GARAGE, Dunedin. Telephones 13.444. CARS WILL PICK UP AND SET DOWN PASSENGERS EN ROUTE. ... - - -■ ii i i 11 1 —H——WW HAWERA CHEESE EXPERIMENT. Exhaustive Scientific Research confirms OutstandingMerits of FRIESIAN DAIRY COW. .11 Authorities Agree that CHEESE MANUFACTURE is the HOPE OF NEW ZEALAND'S DAIRY INDUSTRY, dentist’s Report Shows that FRIESIAN BUTTERFAT YIELDS 13 p.c. MORE CHEESE than Jersey Butterfat. roverunient Official Figures show FRIESIANS HIGHEST PRODUCERS OF BUTTERFAT. ' Get HIGHER RETURNS OF FAT and 13 pc MORE CHEESE PER LB. OF FAT than from the High Testing ond\o"mo for a copy of the Scientist's Report. Read and Judge for Yourselves. j p k aIAUGHER, Secretary, N.Z. Friesian Association, llnv 7 fin Auckland
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 1
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760Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 1
Using This Item
Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.