«3^c££2«9oooi»3u, ScSes . °oooS Here’s Good Luck To Yotsr Proposal. SOMETHIN' G DIFFERENT DISTINCTIVE IN DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS. If you wont your Engagement Ring.to be unique, yet very dainty, and not too expensive, buy it at FRASER’S. If you wish, bring your young lady with you, and we can show you our Magnificent Stock of Diamond Rings in our Private Room, where you can make a careful inspection, and, with Our help and advice, get the best possible value for your money. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED At FRASER’S The Best Shop in Timarn for Rings. 184 STAFFORD ST., TIMARU ’Phono 567. r&SH % «&<* r w - K Ovcoooco jpl mmm SIZE CARDS AND PRICE CATALOGUES FREE ON APPLICATION I SOLVO | ! Rheumatic Cure 1 A Genuine, Scientific, Practical Remedy for alii RHEUMATIC TROUBLES. i PRICE: 7/6 a Bottle. Postage l/> Extra. § Also | Soi%ro Errßfor©©ics, , i:i©n | PRICE: 3/6. Postage 6d Extra. I From | L. R JAMES | PRESCRIPTION CHEMIST, TIMARU. | sb v 9 \ HAVE ONE TODAY a. ft 8 I Iff i rV r V "S./ •v^r m 'OW ©f! Bargains from 6AIMIP*® Winter mk % CLOTHING PRICES WERE NEVER LOWEE -- ■ ' THAN THIS. BOYS’.TWEED OVERCOATS—MEN’S TWEED SPORT SUITS MEN’S TWEED OVERCOATS—MEN’S SUITS—BOYS’ TWEED SUITS—MEN’S TWEED TROUSERS—MEN’S SPORTS COATS—MEN’S RAIN COATS—--10/6, 12/S, IE/< 29/< zsye, 37/s, 42/45/-, 60/-, 72/? 18/6, 27/S, 32/< 12/6, 15/S, 17/< 19/6, 22/S, 25/ 27/6, 35/ MEN’S RAILWAY TWEED TROUSERS--13/ MERCERY, TOO, AT MEN’S FLEECY UNDERWEARMEN’S WIDE-END TIES—MEN’S SHIRTS, with Collar?.— BOYS’ ALL-WOOL PULL-OVERS—-MEN’S BRACES—MEN’S CARDIGANS—MEN’S PULL-OVERS—-BOYS’ KNITTED GLOVES—MEN’S ALL-WOOL SOX—MEN’S KNITTED TIES—BEDROCK. 2/11, 3/3, 3/6 !/-, 1/6, 2/6 4/6, 5/S, 6/6 5/11, S/S, 5/11 1/S, 2/G, 2/11 3/S, 10/6, 13/6 7/6, g/6, 10/6 1/6 1/RA
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 7
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