i wmm WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE AN ENGLISH MOTOR VEHICLE (1) EFFICIENCY. The High efficiency of the English type engine spells longer life, greater power developed for petrol consumed, and exceptional all round performance. (2) ECONOMY. The Economy of English motor vehicles is unparalleled; low petrol and oil consumption; few repair bills; long life; These are some of the features which determine the exceptional economy of English Cars and Trucks. manship is the best combination known to commerce, and because the English Policy is to adhere fairly closely to a standard chassis and body design, the durability of English motor vehicles is exceptional, while depreciation, is astoundingly low—the result is the high re-sale value of English Built Cars and Trucks. t (3) RE-SALE VALUE. Because English steel and crafts(4) SUITABILITY. Guided by skilled English Designers with on-the-spot experience of our needs, the great plants of England to-day produce motor vehicles ideally suited % r the most rigorous New Zealand conditions. Whatever you demand—speed, perfect roadclearance, long-life, economy, or all of them, England has the complete answer ready now. HHHI gfllp SINGES CARS: DENNETT & DOWNEY* Sophia. Street, Timnm. Sfeffetl 3Eboitih. ZTimaHi. MORRIS CARS AND M JT® IP CARS! AND fEU€KS
W m mm m Wk: m *\<ssr ae k^k sZs*£* Y>~\ »~5 m Swis! m ®K m *t3.--* J *^\,**„ v - THE DUCHESS BABY CARRIAGE Is the hast of its kind oil the market to-day, and is recommended Liy the Plaaket Society and the Medical Fraternity of New Zealand. Swuth Canterbury in particular.’ Consisting of Roomy, Deep Bed in Beagrass, Beautifully Upholstered. Draught and Rain-Proof Hood, Swung on Full-Floating 0 Springe, Sturdy Under Carriage and English Wheels with Rubber Tyreo. MANUFACTURED IN TEMARU BY LOCAL EXPERTS. < ÜBS, M &&> 34- Mie-$ WOOLLCOMBE STREET TIMARU.
SUFFER NO MORE WITH INDIGESTION. [ ■ . ■ 1 -- ■■ ■■— Unless you remove the cause you’ll never be I'reo from indigestion, and every attack will get more severe until die trouble beconn-o chronic. Get rid indigestion where it starts by neutral Hig the excess acidity and prevents fermentation with a. little “B'surateu Magnesia taken in water after meals-. This never fails to give instant relief, no matter how severe the pain may be. “Bisurnled” Magnesia, soothes, heals, and strengthens the stomach lining, quickie bringing back a sound., healthy digestion, oven alter years ot suffering. Olrunists sell “Hisurated" Magnesia in hoih powder and tablets, either of which ui I rpr.ekly overcome your stomach i rouble.-;. fs..
TRY—TALBOT TAYLOR, PAINTER AND PAPEIIHANGER. For An Expert Job At a Reasonable Price. A del rows— MOWBRAY ST., WATLINC-TON, TIMARU. McINTYT'E’S Extra Strong Re cclam- Pills. 1 .allies ro;.omu:en<i them. Sold everywhere. os 6d per box.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 4
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