No pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage ground of truth. —Bacon. Baxter Rigidly adheres to this fact when proclaiming to the world at large that he can put the buyer on a better basis than others. The Old Bank Definitely closes its doors at 6 p.m. every evening, and on Sunday it is as dry as the Sahara Desert. There is no wig-wag signal about Baxter Try him—and see if you can get a drink after hours or on Sunday, and don’t forget while there to ask him for a price list. He is perfectly satisfied that after meeting him, you, too, will come to the same conclusion as the great Emerson—“He serves all who dares be true.” Wholesale Bottlers of McGavin’s Famous Ales and Stouts—the Finest and Purest New Zealand produces. QUARTS —15/- per Dozen Large Bottles, less 3/- for empty returns, equalling 1/each bottle. PINTS —8/- per Dozen, less 1/6 for empty returns, equalling 6yd bottle. 3-Bottle Lots, 4/- (Quarts). SPEIGHT’S PRIZE ALES—QUARTS—IB/- Dozen, le3s 3/- for Empty Returns; 1/3 Bottle. PINTS—9/6 Dozen, les3 1/6 for Empty Returns; 8d Bottle. 3 BOTTLE LOTS, 4/6 —1/6 Bottle Less 3d. DUNEDIN DRAUGHT ALES—3/6 and 4/- per Gallon. THE PUBLIC MAY SELECT ANY OF THE ABOVE GOODS TO MAKE UP THEIR OWN HAMPERS. J. BAXTER, Owner TELEPHONE 637. FREE HOUSE.
All flte richness amtf hotly .of ground. coil®® mud chicory is In K I! i 6& rr\ r S§s C®ffS & KV CMC® eV* i.’mwpamaAaizaanzazi EAGLE” ESSENCE arthest asad flt@F@i©f , @ ©@>sfs pea? ©up. And it’s made by “Gregg’s” ike “Club” Coffee people. In BE^'MMUlWißJLimiin^7fflß^^aESa£S^\&®^o3rir.XKS , 4
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 4
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