FUR RENOVATIONS. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR FURS ALTERED FOR SPRING WEAR. All Classes of Renovations and Repairs undertaken by Our Staff of Highly Skilled Furriers. WE SPECIALISE SOLELY IN FUR WORK. Our Prices Are Moderate. Estimates Gladly Given. THE DOMINION FUR TRADERS, LTD., THE EXCLUSIVE FURRIERS. ©47 r e} $2 /£ The J^ffiK^GuanJlan r •/ of the Nation's Health Health in New Zealand sets a standard for the world. Nowhere are there bonnier babies, finer children or happier homes. Nowhere is SCOTT'S Emulsion so widely known, or so frequently usdd. In every home the great bodybuilding, strength-making properties of SCOTT’S Emulsion meet some vital need. Taken regularly it wards ofl coughs, colds and infectious disease But it must be genuine Scott's Emulsion OF SPECIALLY SELECTED COD LIVER OIL After all! You cannot beat the best.
Chain Mash Outlast all others. _ Send to-day for free illustrated catalogue. ECLIPSE FENCE CO. LTD, 521 CULOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHURCH.
For more than two generations Cuticura Soap and Ointment have afforded the purest, sweetest and most satisfactory method of promoting and maintaining a healthy condition of skin and scalp. The freely-lathering Shaving Stick causes no irritation but soothes and freshens the skin. The Talcum, smooth and fragrant, is the ideal toilet powder. For sample Soap and Ointment address: “R. Towns & Co., Sydney, N. S. \V,” the Cuticura Shaving Stick. Serve it with any fruit in season ■ VE _ m Xf * S3?'
Records iose packets Everyone saving 2 the hig ra nf I w. liUma Borax Was hi. Powder Handsome Gramophones in Oak oi j Mahogany rasss, each, worth ££o t f are the principal prises, but cveryono sending in 200 I.X.L. •y wrappers bcfiro Sopt. Ist next to ( the Superbus Packing Co. is sure of $ a Gramophone Record or lovely pair 1 of Art Silk Stockings, worth easily h 5/-. Write fer full particulars to h Y nm* U ' PACKING Co. Li .tvi taWrfermast FOR FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY TRY GEORGE BAIKIE THE ROSEWILL DAIRY (Opposite the Grand Lounge.) The cost is no more there and the conditions under which the Milk and Cream arc kept, are ideal.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 3
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