Wfe. Oldest trustee Qompany in ffew Zealand and Still Wfie foremost Away back in 1882 the fifirst Trustee Company to be established in New Zealand was formed—the Trustees Executors,and Agency Co. of N.Z. Ltd. Think of the value of' those forty-aix years of accumulated experience as Trustees and Executors of all classes of estates, both big and small. The fact that “ The Trustees Executors” to-day administers estates of an aggregate value of over £3,000,000 is a wonderful testimony to the confidence reposed in the Company by the community. By leaving your affairs in the hands of “The Trustees Executors” you are assured of sound, economical and impartial administration of your affairs year after year by a staff of experts in Trustee work. The Company, unlike an individual, will neither die nor leave the country, nor become incapacitated by sickness or other causes from transacting the business left in its charge. The Trustees Executors and Agency Co. of N.Z. Ltd. devotes itself entirely to Trustee, Executor and Agency business and is controlled by a Board of Directors of well-known men experienced in Financial and Trust matters. Fullest particulars gladly supplied on application. 13f)e Wrustee Exeeutcrs and fHgeney (80. of Jf.%. LIMITED DIRECTORS: Sir .Tames Allen, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. S. C. Sutherland, Esq. Sir John Roberts, C.M.G. P. C. Neill, Esq. Hon. Sir John Sinclair, M.L.C. G. R. Ritchie, Esq. Richard J. Hudson, Esq. XiOCAL ADVISTORY DIRECTORS: Timaru: Gladstone Robinson, Esq., Norman Orbell, Esq., Herbert Elworthy, Esq. Invercargill: Hon. A. F. Hawke, M.L.C. R. A. Anderson, Esq. John Gilkinson, Esq. Oamaru: R. K. Ireland, Esq. (Oamaru). J. McCulloch, Esq. (Ngapara). MANAGER: Ernest E. Clowes. Oflicc —The Trustees Executors Building, cr Bond and 'Water Sts., Dunedin. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES: Christchurch: H. J. Beswick, Solicitor, Cathedral Square, Christchurch. South Canterbury: Innes-Jones, Jenkins and Co., Dominion Buildingsii Stafford Street, Timaru. Onnwiru: D. V. G. Smith, 101 Thames Street, Oamaru. Invercargill: J. B. Reid (Hunter and Reid;, Don Street, Invercargill. “ l&fie Wrustee tfyat fflever 3)ies
Page 20 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 20 (Supplement)
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