What the Rt. Hon. Mr L. C. M. S. Amery, Secretary of State for the Dominionß, says' about; ' ; ' : ' 1 MOUNT COOK:— "Both from the point of view of ■cenery and as a Held for mountain sport, the New Zealand Alps can hold their own with those of Switzerland or the Rockies. Unless it be the eastern face of Monte Rosa, I know of no single view in the Alps which can compare for impressiveness with the view of Cook and Tasman from Glacier Dome, or any view of snow mountains and glaciers generally finer than that. from Malte Brun Hut.” MOUNT COOK MOTOR CO, LTD. 1 1868-1928—DIAMOND JUBILEE. TIMARU BOROUGH and JOHN McNAB, Watchmaker. This year is notable to John McNab—He enters his 78rd birthday, 60th year at the trade, 46th year in Timaru, 38th year in business, and now one of the oldest retailers In active service. Thanks are gratefuflly given for support and expressions of confidence received from many valued customers to the second and third generation. Since 1889 New' Zealand Greenstone has been made a speciality and forms the most appropriate souvenir of Maoriland to friends overseas.. J. McNAB WATCHMAKER 277 Stafford Street North, Timaru.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 19 (Supplement)
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Page 19 Advertisements Column 2
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 19 (Supplement)
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