GAME IN THE BOROUGH. / It is not given to many Boroughs in Nt-' Zealand to possess game or shooting waters at the present day, r but Timaru had these things in the early days. The Titnaru Game Society (now the South Canterbury Acclimatisation Society) was formed in 1874, for the , importation of English birds" ' and game. The first president of the Society was Mr Angus Macdonald, and ■ the first secretary, ’Mr Arthur Perry.' Comparatively few people of the pro:v ’ sent generation are aware that at. one ,t>me there were good shooting waters ■ . in. what is row- known as Stafford - . Street, on the flat in front of the v , Bank of- New Zealand, as well as in a swamp off Priest and Holdgnte’s Arcade, at the back of the present'Rest' Room at the western end. Gray duck .were shot there in large numbers. . There was also a large pond, kpowit as Perry’s Pond, opposite the northern end of Caroline Bay, where ducks con- " gragatod and were shot in largo numbers. At tho stone quarry, at Craighead, overlooking the Golf Links, quail were very plentiful, and another good holding ground for these birds was Glenfummel. At George Gray Russell’s Otipua estate, pheasants iwere, revy numerous, as also were gray duck and black teal. There were other spots near tlie Borough where game was plentiful, and provided good sport for the man with the gun for a feu . years, but eventually the birds disappeared as population increased. The Timaru Game Society spent as tnucli as £3OO in one year in importing game birds.'This money was found in part by well-to-do residents and was subsidised by tho Provincial Council. Aluminium is more abundant through-' out tho world than any other metal. It forms over eight per cent, of the earth’s crustl
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 19 (Supplement)
Word Count
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 19 (Supplement)
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