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- Without music, a community would undoubtedly bo Jacking in what may be termed one of the .principal pleasures 10 tfe found 1 in the world to-day. In the past, as in the present, the musical talent of Timaru has always imbued the citizens with a certain pride, In this respect the Timaru Muni- . cipal Band, whose members, inspired by love of the arf, do their utmost to present the desired musical atmos- , phere, always receive unstinted support ' from the public. A few years ago, however, it was with considerable regret that citizens watched their .Band take * a downward path, so that the Borough Council felt it their duty to accept responsibility for the Band's welfare, 'thus'it was brought under the auspices | of the Municipality, and to devise ways and means for bringing the Band back to its old standard, a committee was set up. The appointment of Mr W. H. Osborne, of Ashburton, as conductor, ‘ was first step. Mr Osborne sen " about his work in a manner that gained whole-hearted public approval, and the results of his efficient method of controlling affairs have already become apparent. At the present time the Band is rapidly regaining its old prestige, and the high position it held in ■ 1914, when it was adjudged the champion Band, at the Auckland contests, when under, the charge of Mr A. Schnack,, who has since removed to. Christchurch. Throughout the summer months the Band makes numerous appearances in public, and the support accorded -bears testimony to the public’s appreciation of its work. With the end in view of augmenting the playing strength' of the Band, and to give tuition to young players, who. will, in years to. come, have to carry civ the Band's work, a junior Band was formed, having now a membership of about forty. That this has been a suecan bo learned from the fact that a’ready several members of this Band have bo?n chosen for senior honours. A new, set of -instruments was purchased, and in the near future it is intended to secure a good second-hand set for the use of the junior Band. The formation of the first Band in Timaru , was dated prior to 1870, up to,which-year Mr Jacob Hill was conductor. The list of conductors from ■that date to the present time is as follows :—Messrs. J. Beckingham, about 1870; T. Perry, 1881; J. Bowles, 1332; T. Herd, —; S. Wolfe, 1594, 1895, 1900; P. Mohr, 1898; T.Mellor, 1903-4; H, Paul, 1906; H. J. Necklev, 19Q8; J. Dephoff, 1909; R. Allen, 1926 ; R. Cumming, 1926-27; T. E. Osborne, 1927; W. H. Osborne, 1927. Through its career, the Band’s title ‘•has bad 'many changes. The original title was that of the Timaru Foresters’ Band, under conductor J. Beckingham. Subsequent titles were:—-No. 7 :Con.pnnv Timaru Rifle Volunteer Band (up * till 1S70) ; Timaru Artillery Band; Timaru Garrison Band; South Canterbury Battalion Band (playing under the name of the - Band, of tho'. 2nd. (South Canterbury) Regiment; and now it is the Timaru Municipal Band, which title the band took in 1927. During ilie Great War, a large number of members of the Band rallied td the Colours, and a number of them made the Supreme sacrifice. The contest record of the Band (p'aying under the name of the Band
of the 2nd. (S.C.) Regiment) is one of which any town might be proud; The list of contests and successes is as under:—lßß2,: Christchurch ‘ (unclqr con- . ductor J. Rowles), Ist. in “A”'Grade selections; 1894, Invercargill (S. Wolfe), 2nd. m “A”-Grade selections; 1895, Timaru ; (S. Wolfe), Ist. in:Quickstep, 4th. in “A” Grade; selections; 1900, Christchurch (S. Wolfe), 2nd. in Quickstep, sth. in< “A” Gi'ade selections; 1903, Timaru' (T. Moilor); 2nd. in Quickstep, 3rd. in “A” Grade selections ; 1904, Oamaru. (T. Mellor),. 2nd. in Quickstep, 3rd. in “A” Griidq sen -,- tions; 1906, Hawera (Herr Paul), bri?. ■' in “A” Grade selections, 2nd. 'nVi Quickstep; 1913; Invercargill (A., Schnack), Ist. in ,“AIJ. Grade selec-/, tions, 4th; in Quickstep.’; Ih;-I914 afid-.T 1915 the Band had the unique dis--Unction of holding the three championship shields for -music—at -the sanytime. At Auckland .in 1914 (A. Schnack) the Band was Ist. in Aggregate jioints in “A” Grade selection*, 7th. in Quickstep, and in 1915, at Christchurch (A. Schnack), the Band was,placed 2nd. in “A” Grade selections, and 3rd. in Quickstep. , Three of this Band’s members conducted military bands at the war—Messrs. W. IT. Osborne, ,H. Osborne, and R. G. Allen. The latter’s Band won first prize in a Quickstep competition held at the front amongst New Zealand Bands. More recent records are:—l92o, Dunedin (A. Schnack), tied for second place in “A’’ Grade selections; 1920, Bailnrnt, hymn test, and several solo successes; 1925, Auckland (E. ScUnack), third in “A” Grade selections. In the recent contest at Christchurch the Band acquitted itself very creditabty, the results achieved showing that Timaru’s Band is once again coming into the proud position it held years ago.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 19 (Supplement)
Word Count
825THE MUNICIPAL BAND Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 19 (Supplement)
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THE MUNICIPAL BAND Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 19 (Supplement)
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