«sy^\),x^r »ci«s $&? m m m \: j-v'& -®i tm *NPS> E:% Sis-ix v-x •sßtot NxW m% | VV iS&F*WV*'x k > 'A" '*' '*“'' VSs? ~-<r >M>* J’AIMt ,'MD COY., LTD.y YARD AND MAIN EUILDTNG. & «*"**! *fc&s ! HI .. %3* «K W&A < b^< w> i\"* £># »-$x m *,x »*■■■■*■■ SSiSJ T% H &?■ m$ ili W? ENGINEERING, GENERAL BLACKS MITHING, AND MAIN WORKSHOP. 1 SsS:© 'xf Established 25 years Engineers, Shipping & General Blacksmiths, and Acetone Welders rcw* IwiliPi Sir.rfr - N ■ ■ M n # -JfX*v, It, X - gf, Y f i ' p'f t ■ IBS mm *»ii it i-M MODERN AIR HAMMER, GROWTH AMD PROGRESS. A PROUD RECORD. The firm of PARR AND COY., was established twenty-live years ago by William and Robert Pari’, and each year witnessed a big growth in output with increases to plant to keep abreast of the times. In 1911 rhe business was purchased by Mr 0. 11. Johnson, who retained the trading name oi the old firm and its l efficient, stair. From time to time, to meet demands, more modem machinery was installed and the staff increased until to-day PARR AND'COY., LTD. have a larg-e staff of qualified engineers and an up-to-date plant to successfully cope with any class of work. As evidence of the firm’s reputation, big contracts for both the .north and South Island for HarPour and Power Boards have been successfully carried out. In adcunon Parr and Co., Ltd., have done ail work for the Timaru Harbour Board for many years. If you have repairs you require done, bring- them to us. We can. guarantee satisfaction. No job too , large or too small. We have the staff and the plant to do it. SfcwSMSE ?k s'£X H M W tw -.'f VvtvX X \ vv * s $% V'< OJ t ymf '? h * a <vv 'H' iV - A -I r if ■ * -X I, x $ ‘ ? 11' if: t y i t myd%yC'^' : ' '•* 4 $ X h C 5,? "9< A J \,‘M -t * m u ■ v > SBB .f.v ENGINEERING, MILLING, TURNING, GEAR-CUTTING AND FINISHING DEPARTMENT.
For lest Results Employ M. ff. Oakey $ (80. Wfie Sheading ffluetioneers and foiost t'Progressive Sieal Estate Mgent§ Clearing Sales at your residence our speciality Property Buyers and Sellers equally catered for CONSULT: Mr.. A. N. OAKEY, the Town’s Leading Auctioneer Mr. W. E. DONNITHORNE, Timaru’s most successful Property Man CHIEF AGENTS for that fine old British Company, THE ATLAS ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. (Established in the Reign of George III) <2o. ’PHONE: 41 P.O. BOX: 182
Established in 1881. HEAD OFFICE: 159 Hereford Street, Christchurch. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: Hoarfrost, Christchurch. LONDON OFFICE: 1 Giltspur Street, West Smithfield, E.C. BRANCH OFFICES: Timaru, Oamaru, Dunedin, Picton and Imlay (Wanganui). AUCKLAND SALES AGENCY: P.O. Box 553, Auckland (H. E. Gillespie, Representative). FREEZING WORKS. ISLINGTON, near Christchurch. (Built 1889). SMITHFIELD, near Timaru. (Built 1883). BURNSIDE, near Dunedin. (Built 1881). PICTON, at Picton. (Built 18 96). IMLAY, at Wanganui. (Built 1916). STOCK PURCHASED either at per pound or at per head at highest current prices by the Company’s Buyers, permanently residing in the above districts. STOCK FROZEN on account of farmers at lowest current rates. SPECIAL FACILITIES are offered by the Company in order to enable farmers, if they so desire, to ship their own meat for realisation on the London market. “THE FERTILISERS THAT CONTAIN BLOOD AND BONE.” High Grade Fertilisers containing all the essential elements of plant food. They are especially rich in Nitrogen which is derived from Blood and Bone, the most prolific fertilising material known. New Season’s Price Lists now available from any agent or direct from TIMARU—GEORGE STREET. OAMARU—THAMES STREET. TELEGRAMS: “HOARFROST, TIMARU.” TELEGRAMS: “HOARFROST, OAMARU.”
Page 17 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 17 (Supplement)
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