In the matter of providing transport for its citizens', Timani has progressed with the times. In the early days, long before the advent of the motor, what was,known as King’s bus used to run from, Stafford Street to Gleniti store and back, taking mails and passengers. At that time a number of people who worked in the town, used to live at Gleniti, and at various places along Wai-iti Road, so that the bus was fairly well patronised. This was the only- route along which there was a regular bus service at that time. ‘ In comparatively recent years (after King’s bus had ceased to run) Mr G. S. Cray started a service of- horsedrawn buses, to serve various parts of the town; and when this ceased, the late Mr A. C. Thompson introduced the ijrst motor buses,in'Tirharu. These were given a good trial, but they did not prosper. In 1912 the Borough Council took » baud in the matter, when the first Municipal bus, with a comprehensive route Was started funning.' This bus continued in service until 1914, when three double-deckers were added. In 1916 a Studebaker bus was added to the service, to be followed in 1919 by the addition of two Clydesdales. In this year the bus first purchased was “scrapped.” Between 1921 and 1924, four Dennis buses were added to the fleet, and in 1926 the, three doubledeckers were done away with. -In that year five Federal Knight -and four Thorneycroft buses were purchased, making a total of fourteen buses, thirteen single and bne double decker that are*fit for use.
The length of running route covered daily by each bus' is 14L (miles, single journey. Last.year, the distance coveiedby the fleet, was 209,331: miles. . Thirteen'full timej. and two relieving drivers are employed, while three mechanics are employed at the. bus sheds in High Street, making, a. total of )& employees, besides ' the .Omnibus Engineer (Mr J. McKim). ' In the sheds in High Street is ample housing accommodation W all the buses. The present shed, .of brick construction, was built in 1914, but the extra buses made necessary, .hi later years, additions which were made vu 1926, with everything necessary, for the uninterrupted running of- the service. The financial result of, last , year’s operations, from April >l, 1927, to March 31, 1928, must be taken as be,ing very satisfactory. The receipts from fares totalled £10,581, miscellaneous receipts amounted to £928, making a total of £11,509. The total expenditure is given (is £11,230, making an excess of receipts over expenditure of £279. These figures, however, do not include payment. for interest and sinking fund, for which a special’ rate was struck. Taking everything into consideration, it is considered that there was a less of between £4OO and £SOO on the bus service last year—a result which is considered quite satisfactory in view of the need which the buses fill.
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 14 (Supplement)
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