one job, in the early days, and Captain Woolleombo, whose home was at what is now known as Ashbury Par.'., Waimatnitai, in addition to being Resident Magistrate, was Pilot, and subCollector of Customs. He, was also appointed Provincial Sub-Treasurer in 1353, District Overseer of Public Works, Returning Officer for the election of a member for the Provincial Council, in 1859, Registrar of Births, Deadis, and Marriages, Coroner for the Timaru district, in 1864, and visiting Justice to the Tininni gaol, in 1866. Captain Woo’lcombo nlso undertook other work of a public nature, or less importance than the offices mentioned. At one period be was chairman of the Waimntaitui School Committee. The town did not make very rapid headway in its young days. At the close of tho year 1858 the population numbered 16 (as compared with 16,500 to-day), the 1858 inhabitants near!* all earning a livelihood at tlie water front.
THE RAILWAY STATION. Timaru has long since outgrown its railway station, and although there has been a strong elamout for a new station, neither the present nor previous Governments havo done any more than to “give the matter serious consideration.” The foundations of tho old railway station buildings were put down in 1875, a little south of tho present site. Work on the new site was commenced in 1881, and the present buildings were opened ih 1883. Tho turning of tho first sod of r.-e Timaru to Christchurch railway iri 1871 was necessarily a very important event in tho history of the Board. The sod was turned "Mrs "Cain, wifo of Captain Cain, immediately in front oi the first bouse at the northern end of Le Cren’s Terrace.
With oidv one pair of twins, Mr and Mrs .Tames Spcariett, of Preston, have had a family of 25 children. Fourteen of them arc still living, seven being of school age.
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 13 (Supplement)
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