V'?. .• * :* ■ ''rn A 'M\ sS*;,: tr. <igjL o ?>% 4 i&M Sh&S IXsO 1 * v" v\ \ m ii **** gyr:' : --, ;.* / ‘ijjj .;.r<?^ I-; 111 4. M¥i'‘ mmm The Regent Confectionery The Leading House in South Canterbury FOR CONFECTIONERY FANCY BOXES CHOCOLATES SODA FOUNTAIN DRINKS. The Stock is of the Most Varied Description—Always of the Best. FRESH, PURE, AND WHOLESOME. Value for Value il The Regent’’ cannot be beaten The Regent Confectionery THE HOUSE FOR GOOD SWEETS. JUST BELOW GRAND PICTURES. W. F. MORRISON, Proprietor.
R. WILSON & Co., Ltd. A PROGRESSIVE FIRM. The commercial prosperity of any town can generally be estimated from the number and size of its “live”' business houses, an 1 the progress and prosperity of Timaru and district is reflected in the establishment and growth of such a business as R. Wilson & Co., Ltd., Wholesale Grocery and Wine and Spirit Merchants. This firm was founded by the late Mr Robert Wilson in Dunedin in the year ISG2. Notwithstanding the difficulties of transport and communication in the early days, a steady business was maintained in the South Canterbury district and this grew to such an extent that sn •1904 the directors deemed >t .advisable to open up a brunch in Timaru. Premises were secured in Church Street and thus was established the first Wholesale Grocery and Wine and Spirit Business in Timaru. The branch opened up under the managership of the late Mr Godfrey. lie was succeeded in 1910 by Mr Henderson, who was appointed in 1914 to the managing directorship of the head office in Dunedin, and Iho late Mr John Scott was transferred to Timaru as manager. Owing to failing health Mr Scott retired in 1925, and he was succeeded by Mr W. I. Tail, the present manager. To the retailer and consumer the- store, however, provides the centre of interest, all stocks being carried on the ground, first and second floors, only the bond being situated in the basement. The goods are systematically arranged in tiers, the tiers in turn being arranged in rows so that light and air have uninterrupted circulation, and the risk of decay and consequent possible contamination being totally avoided. Each tier is totally depleted before fresh supplies arc brought in, so that old stocks can never be carried. Perishable goods arc stacked in such a way that no sweating can possibly ensue. Confectionery rapidly deteriorates if not provided with a suitable temperature in the store room, and to guard against this, and so give 100 per cent, value to their clients, ft. Wilson & Co. have had constructed a special store for this class of goods, the temperature being regulated by an ingenious arrangement of electric fans, which provide a constant supply of evenly cool, fresh air. irrespective of outside weather conditions. In fact the whole establishment is arranged to give the host possible working conditions to the staff, and a warehouse up to the standard set by this well and favourably known firm of wholesale mercruints. Timaru is '.veil , favoured with direct, .shipping services from overseas anil every advantage is taken to secure stocks from overseas markets at main port, rates of freight. Under these conditions it is possible !o keen fresh slocks on hand and at the same time compete i'avoti •• ably with cempoiiUon from the centres. R. Wilson & Co., Ltd., have been fortunate in bolding agencies for various popular propriotary lines, some of which may be enumerated: —Robertson’s Golden Shred Marmalade, Leslie Shaker Salt, Boa Ami, Kornies, Sunmuid .Gaisins., Brown and Poison':; Cornflour, Dromedary Dates, Heinz (57 varieties). Monarch Tea. Girard's Brandy, Golden Apple Cider. Gil bey's Dry Gin, Dog’s Head Ale and Stout, Wolfe's Schnapps, White Horse Whisky, Walker's Whisky, Pascall's and Hudson’s Confectionery, etc., etc.
Page 7 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 7 (Supplement)
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