AUSTRALIAN MARKETS. (United Trese Association—By Electric TeleprrnpU—Oopyrltrht.) (Received July 12, 8.10 p.m.) ' SYDNEY, July 12. Tlie wholesale price of butter has inero.a.sed by one penny per pound, to 196 s per c-wt. Wheat. —Growers’ bagged lots, at country stations, 4s 9d; ex truck at Sydney, 5s 4d. . . ’ Flour for the export trade i 9 lifeless. ' Local £l3 10s per ton. Bran £6 10s. Bollard £7 10s. Oats —Tasmanian, Algerian, 4s 9d to 4s 10(1. White 4s 6d to 4s lOd. 'Maize, yellow 3s 9d; white 4s 4d. Potatoes —Tasmanian's, £5 to £7 per ton. Victorian £5 10s. Onions —-Victorian, £l4. ADELAIDE, Jul- 12. Wheat —Growers’ lots 5s 2jd to 5s 3d. Flour —Bakers’ lois £l3 per ton. Bran £5 17s 6d. Pollard £7 2s 6d. Oats 3s 3d. MELBOURNE HIDE MARKET. : (United Pros* Association—By Eleetris Telegraph—Copyright.) (Received July 12 10.10 p.m.) MELBOURNE, July 12. The hide market ‘is "strong. Mediums and lights advanced a farthing to a, half-penny, kips one-eighthj to a farthing. Tokio 12. LONDON WOOL SALES. The National Mortgage and Agency Co. report having received the following cable from their London Office: — The auctions opened here to-day with a large attendance of Home, and Continental buyers. Good general competition, all sections of the trade are buying freely, particularly the Continent. Compared with the closing rates of last sale we quote::—Prices generally show little change, with the exception ofslipc half-bred lambs -and slipo threo quarter bred lambs Id to Lid cheaper. A« at present arranged the sales will close on July 20th.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 10
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 10
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