Statement by Minister fot Home Affairs. DEBATE IN HOUBE OF COMMONS. (United Pres* EleoiiU Telegraph—G&pyH#M.) (Australian BreSe service.) (Received duly 12, 7.4 ft jMh.) LONDON, July 12. : In the House of Commons, Sir William Joynson-Hieks admitted th&t lie had received two reports from the Savidge TribUhaK-ofte signed by Messrs Banlces aiid Withers, and the other by Mr Lees-Smith. He hoped that they would bfe tabled by the Week-efid. Mr HopkiS Mfeirrils introduced a measure limiting Coroners’ Courts to the task of finding the cause of death-. The p&iiri) would know well from the evident* whether there ought to be a proseem tinh. The Bill was read a first time. * Jo committee Oh the Home Offic* vote, Mr Philip Showden, in the absence of Mr Ramsay Macdonald, criticised the appointment of VieObunt Byng, along the line? ifidife&tsd by questions. He said that the Labourites did not desire in any way to di? 1 parage Viscount Pyhjg*e high Military gifts and character, but believed, hit experience, from the viewpoint de* veloped in his military career, was ft disqualification, not a recommendation) for the Police Commissiohership. Mr Snowden objected to the steady policy of appointing rhiUtafy ffiekt tb the chief positions. There were instances throughout the coUiitfy of A growing militarisation of tile pblibe, which destroyed intimate and confident sympathy between the police and vhft public.
Sir William JoynsoU-Hicks, replying, admitted that at the beginning of the year there existed a febliiig in thK public mind agairist the police, whoSb efficiency depended Oil popularity, Fifty, and even ten years ago, the Force had the affection of the people. Sir William Horwodd had intimated his desire to retire in February. He had discussed the succession with Mr Baldwin. A high police officer, still in the Service, had declined the poritibtt, and he lmd failed to obtain a suitable man from the Civil Service, and had discussed the position with business men, but had found no business #an, capable of controlling 20,000 men, who wou’d accept £3OOO a year. Finally, he had, discussed names and qualifications with Viscount Byng, who had suggested a military officer, who had refused. He began to feel that Viscount Byng was the right man. The latter firmly refused, on the grounds of age, and a desire for retirement. Sir William JoyhsbnITieks added that it was then that h. had used the much-discussed remark. He had told ViscoUut Byng that h« was not offering him the appointment, hut that it was a stern call to duty—that was the only Way he Could get Viscount Byng. Following the speeches in the Hotlse of Commons on May 17, showing feeling against the police, Mr Baldwin had agreed that they had better go outside the Service for a man, Whose character, experience, ability and idealism would uplift him from petty disputes and restore public confidence in the police. He believed there Was never a Force of 20,000 men more courteous or admirable, or more desirous of doing their duty. He wanted the police to get back their popularity despite problems arising front the Savidge case, street offence?, the “Third Degree” Commission, the increase in motoring offences, and traflio control.
The Minister appealed to the House and public for fair play for the police and Viscount Byng. Air T. E. Naylor (Labour) declared that giving the Police Commissionership to A member of the upper Chamber violated all traditions and constitution. He moved to reduce the police vote by £IOO. Sir William Jovnson-Hicks said that Viscount Byng had undertaken i ot to attend the House of Lords While he was Commissioner. Viscountess Astor declared that she was glad Sir William Horwood was going. Mr O’Connor quoted the Provincial Chief Constable’s statement to the Judge: “Too many receivers of stolen property escape When Scotland Yard is asked to make arrests.” He suggested that corruption began near the top. Sir William Jovnson-Hicks Asked Mr O'Connor to supply particulars, and promised an inquiry. The motion was rejected by 231 votes to 106.
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 9
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