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Mr G. C. Godfrey, Secretary for Marine was the only witness heard bv the Timaru Harbour Commission yesterday. His now expected that the Commission will complete the taking ot evidence here early next week. The increasing popularity of the Children’s Page of the “Herald” is <du>wu bv the number of letters received by “ l >l 'U‘ r Wednesday's mail ha”- contained sixty-eight letters, and this" week now members have joined “Peter Pan’s Circle”-
A contract was let yesterday to Siiilliio Bros., for the erection of five shops facing Stafford Street North, overlooking Caroline Bay.
All pioneers who have been invited to to-day’s dinner wiil be permitted to travel oil the Municipal buses, to CaroJihe Bay, for the luncllcoh, free of charge.
The Municipal Buildings in Titnarl were gay with flags aiid. bunting yesterday, preapriug for to-day’s Jubilee celebrations.
A general meeting of the Timimi Competitions Society was held last evdiniig, Mr A. L. Gee presiding over a good attendance of members. The secretary (Mr C. G. Bakef) reported that the entries received for. this year’s festival constituted a record, being as follows.—Elocution 227, vocal 278, instrumental 179, dancing (mostly fancy) 138, physical drill 4, a total Of 826. The entries were, approximately half of the total received by the Christchurch Society. The. chairman said it was Very pleasing to know that entries were well, spread Over the syllabus. The choral contest had four entries anti the school choir section five.
The Titaaru Ploughing Match Committee will be represented in to-day's Jubilee procession by three 3-horse teams comprised of some of the best Clydesdale horses in South Canterbury. The teams will appear in the old-fashioned Scotch harness (recently imparted from Scotland by Mr Andrew Grant, of ‘‘Allandale”) and will be decorated to suit the occasion. These teams are to take part in the Tiftiarli Ploughing Match on Saturday next.
Mr R. Cairns, branch secretary ol the New Zealand Amalgamated Spot ety of Carpenters* and Joiners’ Iridu3 trial Union, has received two> communi cations irom the Government in regari. to a resolution passed at a meeting t the Uiiion :ii regard to unemployment The Prime Minister (Hon. J. G. Coates), states that the. representations made are noted: The question of relief rates, of pay gas. been very carefully considered, and the Government canhot see their way clear to grant an increase. The Hon: R. A. Wright (actilig-Minister of Labour) in liis reply States that ho has taken note of the full terms Of the resolution, and the same Would receive attention;
Mr D. McLennan and J. .F. Arnold J.P’s:'; presided over a sitting of the Timaru Police Court yesterday morning, when two statutory first offenders were charged with drunkenness iff Stafford Street. Ono, who had no money, was convicted and sentenced to 24 hours’ imprisonment, and the second was. convicted and fined 10s, in default 24 hours’ imprisonment; John Ellis Summers, a yOUiig Man, was charged with being an idle and disorderly person, ill that he had insufficient visible means of support. He pleaded guilty, and.was ordered to come Up for sentence when Called upon within 12 months, Ort condition that he left Timaru Within 24 hours.
With to-day’s Diamond Jubilee Number of the “Heiaid,’ 1 the general public of Timaru and South canterbury Will receive a price iist of iiigiiclsss Groceries, etc,, issued by the Star Stores, Ltd., Stafford Street, Timaru. This- list, contains many of the every day household lines of groceries and provisions, and will be found useiul tor reference in every home. The prices quoted are the keenest procurable, and every item spells value. The service at the Star Stores, Ltd., is all that'could be desired, being' a combination of quality goods, efficient and courteous salesmanship, and prompt motor delivery to all parts of the town and suburbs. ...
The Twelfth of July celebrations of the Loyal Timaru Orange Lodges were commenced at the Unitarian nail last evening, where a concert and dance was held in the presence of a packed audience. The Mayor (Mr, G. J. Wallace) presided, and with him oil the Stage were District Worshipful Grand Master Bro. W. Cartwright, Worshipful Grand Master Bro. P. McMillan (Jjodge No. 13), and Worshipful Grand Master Bro. J. Phillips (Lodge No. 35). The Mayor congratulated the Lodges on tlie interest taken in their work, as was evidenced by the very large attendance; Ho complimented the Lodges oil the work of their organisations, and hoped that the good feeling that was existent throughout Lodge activities in Timaru would contribute iil promoting the bfesf principles of the Society. Citizenship and service to tlie community were essential, and it was Lodges Which did their best to have a. good influence on the community. In view of the fact that lie did. not think lie would be in the Mayotal chair next year, and would not be in a position to preside at another atlhiversary of the Lodges, he Wished them as mUcli Success in tlie future as they had enjoyed in the past. The programme presented was of the highest order, Songs Were given by Mrs Souness, Miss Groves, Miss Davidson and Mr A, Henderson; recitations by Miss L. Rissell; dances by Misses 0. Cainis, Hill, N. Drew, McLeod, Williams,, and Matter E. Waters; violin solos by Mr B. A. DC Lain ir; banjo solos by Mr J. B. McNeil; pipe and piano duets by Pipers McAteer and MacDoha’d, aiid selections by tlie Tihitifu Pipe Band. Mrs Rattray was accompaniste. On the motion of G. M. Bro. McMillan, a vote of thanks to the Mayor for presiding Was carried by acclamation. . A vote of tiiaiiks was carried in a Similar way to the performers, on the motlofi of D.G.M. firm Cartwright. Bro. Cartwright iiifiniatcd that the Right Worshipful Grand Master for the Dominion would pay his first official visit to Timaru oil Saturday, aiid it Was to be Imped that he Wotl’d be given a real Timaru welcome. The dance. • which concluded tlie function, proved very successful.
Some farmers seem to have a special aptitude for lobklhg on the dull side of things— lt lieVei’ fains, it poufs, and thO shii never shines, it’s always a drought. Most Of them, however, are Optimistic really, and We’d vbry riitlch like to meet the farmer Who can cdhiplaih Of this for value. Farm gates Htade ffom V.D.L. timber-—l2 feet Wide, strongly bolted and braced—price 25/- each--a particularly low price. Railage free on lots of three. England, Mcßae, Ltd
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 8
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1,077GENERAL NEWS. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 8
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GENERAL NEWS. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 8
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