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PORT OF TIMARU. Sun fiscs 7.30‘a.m.; sets 4141 p.m. Moon rises 2.44 a.m. ;'sets 0:36 p.m. High water 11.12 a.m.; 11.41 p.m. PHASES OF THE MOON. New- Moon ... ... July 17, 6 a.m. i’irat Quarter ... July 25> 2.8 a.m. ARRIVALB. July 12. Breeze, s.s., 608 tons (Deily), from i Oamaru. (D. Q. Turnbu,tl and Co., agents). DEPARTURES. July 12. Breeze, s.s., 608 tone (Deily. for Lyttelton. (D C Turnbull and Co., agents). EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Orepuki, s.s., Tarakohe, to-day. Katoa, s.s., Dunedin, July 14. Taranaki, m.v., Blufi, July 14. Storm, s.s./Oamaru, July 16. Totara, s.s., Now Plymouth, July 14. Canopus, s.s., Westport, July 16. Holmdale, s.s., Oaniaru, July 16. Progress, s.s., Oamnru, July-,17. Kahika, s.s., Oamaru, July 17. Corinna, s.s., Oamaru, July 19. Wingatui, s.s., Oamaru, July 19. Rotorua. •■«., Lyttelton, July 19. Canadian Highlander, S.s., Lyttelton, July 21. Arawa, s.s., Port Chalmers, July 25. Rotorua, s.s., Dunedin, August 8. Golden Ponest, s.s., Nelson, August 13. Canadian Britisher, s.s., Lyttelton, August 19. - - , ■ j PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Orepuki, s.s., Lyttelton, to-day. Katoa, s.s., Lyttelton, July; 14. Totara, s.s., Wellington, Storm, s.s., Lyttelton July r 6. Kahika, s.s., Lyttelton, July 17. Progress, s.s., Lyttelton, July 17. Tarakohe, s.s., Nelson, July 18. Holmdale, s.s., Lyttelton, July 16. Corinna, s.s., Lyttelton, July 19. Taranaki, m.v., Napier, July .16, WingatuL s.s., Lyttelton, July 19. Rotorua, s.s.. Port Chalmers, July 21. Canadian Highlander, s.s., Dunedin, : July 23. /'mini, s.s., Lyttelton, July 27. Rotorua, s.s., Lyttelton; August 9. LoiUcn Forest, s.s., Dunedin, August ■1 14. Canadian Britisher,, s.s., Dunedin, August 20. ' . NOTES* The Breeze was yesterday’s only arrival. She..called in the, evening, on her return trip from the south, arid sailed later, taking cargo lor Wellington and Wanganui. The Orepuki is the only vessel expected to-day. She will ■ load cargo for Nelson, Westport and Greymoutii, and sail via Lyttelton. r ’’e Totara, from New Plymouth, is now duo on Saturday. She will take cargo for Wellington and New Plyriiouth. From Tide, she will , sail direct for the first-named port.
The Taranaki has been put 1 back till Saturday. She will probably remain in port a few days, before sailing for Napier, with frozen meat and general cargo for London and West of England ports. The Progress has been set back till July 17. Under favourable conditions,- she will sail north, the someday, faking Wellington, New Plymouth and Waikato Heads cargo. The Katoa was to leave Auckland yesterday for Lyttelton direct.., Prom there, she will sail for Dunedin, Oamaru and Timaru. She will load cargo for Wellington and Auckland here. . OVERSEAS. SYDNEY, July 12. Sailed at 5 p.m., Makura, for Wellington. NEW ZEALAND PORTS. LYTTELTON, July 12. Arrived. —Wahine (6.50 a.m.), from Wellington; Orepuki (8.50 a.m.) from Tarakohe. Sailed.—Northumberland (5 for Port Chalmers; Wahine (8.-0 p.m.) for ‘Wellington. DUNEDIN, July 12. Arrived.—Katoa (12.30 p.m.) from Auckland; Storm (4.15 p.m.) from Lyttelton; Kurow (11 p.m.) from Bluff.
MAIL NOTICES. Subject to any necessary alteration, nails will close as under •. — ■ Registered letter mails close one hour, and newspapers and parcel mails close 45 minutes earlier than ordinary letter nail. Only ‘ parcels prepaid at express transit rate are forwarded by express trains. , For Northern offices of New Zealand, Monday. Wednesday, Fridwr, 12.30 p,m. Tuesday, Thursday, laturday, 3.15 p.m. For Christchurch, North Canterbury, and Westland, daily, at 6.40 a.m., Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12.30 p.m., and 3.30 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 3.15 p.m. For Temuka, Geraldide and Ashburton, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 10.45 a.m., and 8.15 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 12.30 and 3.30 p.m. , For Waimate, daily, 6 a.m. For Oamafu, daily, 6 a. mi For Waimate. Oamnru, Dunedin, Invercargill, and all southern offices, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 10.45 a;m. and 3.30 p.m. Wednesday and Friday, 2.45 p.m. For Foirlie, Pleasant Point, : etc., doily, 8 a.m. and 3.80 p.m. Monday onlv, 3.40 a.m. For Fairlie and Hermitage, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, por car, at 10.45 a.m. , ; ' ' For < Dunedin and Christchurch (night trains) daily, 7 p.m. (letters ° n ]for Oamaru and Inretcnrgill Wednesday, Fridey, Saturday, 7 p.m. only). For Ashburton, Tuesday, Thursday, fUfcutday, 7 p.m. (Letters osij). SATURDAY, JULY 14. (At 3,15 p.m.) For Australian States, per Aorangi, from Auckland. a Monday. July 16. (At 12.30 p.m.) For Great Britain, Ireland and Continbht of Europe; also United States of America, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, and Cook Islands' and Tahiti,.per R.M.S. Makura, from Wellington, via San Francisco. Money orders dose at 11 a.m. MONDAY, JULY 16. (At 12.30 r p.m.) Mails for Great Britain, Ireland and Continent of Europe (specially addressed correspondence only), also Cristobal (Panama Canal), Central America, British, French and Dutch Gnitma, Veneauela, Republio ot Colombia, Peru and Eouador, per Cumberland, at Wellington. TUESDAY, JULY 17. (At 3.15 p.m.) . For Norfolk Island, per Mtsi Pemare, from Auckland.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 18. (At-12,30 p.m.) Mails for Great Britain, Ireland, and Continent of Europe (specially addressed correspondence only), also all States of South Amcnca, via Motile Video, per Port Denison, at Wellington. INCOMING OVERSEA MAILS. (Arrival times approximate only.) 11th July—S.S. Ulimaroa, from Sydney, via Auckland; Australian mail. 16th July—R.M.S. Aorangi, front Vancouver, via Auckland; English and American mail. Letters containing Postal Notes, Bank Notes, and Valuables, should be REGISTERISD. A. H". STEELE, Chief Postmaster. Timaru, July 13, 11123.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 2
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861SHIPPING. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 2
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SHIPPING. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.