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THE VICTORIA INoUpIaNCE CO., • LTD. ,Y— (Established, 1840.) Fire, ' Marine, Employers' Liability, Personal Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass, ; Motor Car. (Compren3nsiv&>, Crop Risks, and ~ Fidel itv.Gv-arantee,v; '■ __ - , tYe. inoi* what -we 1 can do, and it ; pay-be. of material ssiistancb .to yoni’.” AT LOWEST RATES. ' . Agents—OALGETY AND CO., LTD.
I.JNION. STEAM - SHIP COMPANY V : OF NEW, ZEALAND, LTD. Sailings-, (Circumstances Perruittinc:) Vo £ "WELLINGTON, NAPIER, GISBORNE —Kahika —- about July ■ 1,7;: ■ For WELLINGTON, - NEW-- PLY- • • --MOUTH— T.otara.- —. Saturday, ' .'V July’l4;: ■' • For WELLINGTON;. AUCKLAND— Katoa—about July 13. For, NELSON, WESTPORT—Orepuki —•July 13. " Cargo-received till noon sailing day. For WELLINGTON (from Lyttelton) Maori—Mon., -Wed., Fri.,. 6.50 • --- p.m. train.* • • ,Wahine—Tues., Thurs, Sat., ',7.30 p.m., train.* ?•; *Tjrains from Christchurch. WALLINGTON-PICTON SERVICE. Tahajßhirie, From Wellington: Mon., Wed., Fri., ’' -3 p.m. -From Picton : Tues„ Thurs., Sat., 2.30 p.m. FOR SYDNEY. , Maheno, from Wellington, July 20. : 'Maratma, from Auckland, July 20. Maheno, from Auckland, -Aug. 3. •Marama, from Wellington, Aug. 3. • (Passengers in Three. Classes). For MELBOURNE (from Wellington)', Manuka—early. , , - ..ISLAND TOURS.—To Suva (Fiji); ,»Nukualofa, Haapai, Vavau , (Tonga), Apia (Samoa)— TOFUA (from Auckland) —July 14 . . - (and every 4 weeks thereafter). CALCUTTA (from New Zealand)■ — Sussex-—-Sept.,. Jan., May. ;(Limited Passenger Accommodation) /’lnquiries are invited regarding trjp; to. Australia, South Sea Islands, Hbnolulu, Canada, United States, Europe,' Arcund-the-Paciflc Tours including Japan and the East, Around-the-World Tours in either direction. IANADA-UNITED'STATES-EUROPE . Regular Fortnrgßtl^S^lingk.T' ; cAnadian-australasian .. ROYAL MAIL' LINE. ' Via Fiji,. Honolulu,' Victoria and L., 'Vancouver. ;,,.i.UNION ROYAL-MAIL LINE; ; . Via, Rarotonga, .Tahiti,-San Francisco -'(Passengers: ip Three. Classes).. Ship. Wellington ' to San Francisco. Auckland . •to Vancouver MAKURA - AORANGI MAUNGANUI NIAGARA MAKURA July 17. Aug; I‘4. Sept. 11, July 81. fugJ'2B'. (and - fortnightly thereafter.) TO. SYDNEY— Aoraagk from Auckland, July 16. MaOTganui, from - Wellington, July : '3lv ' V . ' excursions Vb Honolulu and TAHITI. AGENTS FOR GfcIENT LINE: OF • ‘royal mail steamers; For full-particulars,• ppply'to—. r UNIbN ; S.U; ; ca;,: OF N.E.; LTD., THE NKW ZEALAND SHIPPING TYMPANY, . LTD. VESSELS IN THE DTIRECT SERVICE; TO THE “ TTED kingdom. PANAMA CANAL. • VA'tmUnsurpa*BeiA«coffimodation. ‘Steamer. t*ROTORUA . iRUAPEHU REMU ERAfRUARINE t*ROTORUA f*REMUERA +*RUAHINE ’ Fort. About cllingtoh ellingtori mlington Wellington 'ifellfngtbm Welfi'ngtbfi Wellington Aug. 18. [Sept. 8. ■ Nov. 10. 1929. . Jan 5,:; ■ .Fob.' 2?. : v 'March 30. '♦.Oil Fjifel.’.'i ■ ... tCalis ofT pßcriirn Isl&ijd, subject to weai'hei’.’febJiditibps permitting. Jlritermediritb Saloon. Return tickets are interchangeable with P. and 0. and Orient Lines (vja Rdez), C.A and Union Lines (via Canada-, arid' Ameri'ea:), or Aberdeen j arid- Rlpo Funnel ; Lineß (via . South Africa). . \ . '></, / • V For'further particulars apply: THE NEW ZEA LAND' SHIPPING " COMP ANY;. LTD- . ' Strathallan; Street. s BHAW/ SAVILLIAND ALBION /COMPANY, LTD. ''Dfrect/Uiue- of Steamers:to : SOUTHAMPTON AND LONDON, VIA PANAMA CANAL. TArawa, Via MontpjVideo. assergers, Embark... Previous Evening. tNew'Jjitxurious oiUburning.steamers, irryjng 'first arid dhifd' plass.. # Ca*fsrig Hirst,v second and third; 43», • » , .. . ,v. 7Second salon' and/third class All passengers must secure Passports.. assagek'-' friom . London may be ranged, here. . 1 For full information, ajiply' to the, iI?GETY'ANr) COMPANY, LTD,, AT,.MORTGAGE AND A- 'GO, LTD-, AFRICA AND ENGLAND: WHITE STAR . LINE. HOLT’S BLUE FUNNEL. - ABERDEEN LINE. Steikmw. •tRUNTC 4\ t .;OeRaMTc fTHEMTffo •*gI,YSSI itedimed fsires to Ob'itlt Africa being ■qribte'dOctoberkteamcrs. . ' pjnly. , 7* ,UtFirlt'.»o«* : lTiir:d-Clftsaw... .. : ■:ThfmifeKfßat«s.f'rom..Nea-v;(»»nd.’ ■ Jrifefchangeahlp Return Tiriketa; For hm :partifuV?ir». apply—dalgETy' and, l utd ».? ;; - NATIONAI -MOIVra AGE & AGE) Of
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 1
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521Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 1
Using This Item
Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.