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PYNE, GOULP ; GUINNESS, LTD. - pLEASANT POINT SALE. MONDAY, JULY 16. Account Loudon Donald, Ashburton 4 Extra Good Cobs (3 and 4 years, unbroken). 1 Yearling (by Man o’ War, dam Quincey mare). 1 Bay Cob (7yrs), broken to saddle and harness. PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD., Auctioneers. pYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD. ADDINGTON MARKET REPORT. WEDNESDAY, JULY 11. GOOD STORE SHEEP SALE. The sale yesterday was held in Ideal weather, before another large attendance of buyers. Cattle sold at lower prices than last week, but although fat sheep held up, the sale was scarcely as keen. Store Sheep.—The demand here ■was very keen, and although onl> a dozen or so pens of hoggets were yarded, they were in strong demand, and wether hoggets advanced about 1/6 per head. A nice line of 170 three-quarter-bred ewe hoggets made 33/6. The adult sheep consisted chiefly of ewes, Including a large proportion of young and soundmouthed sheep. Top price was for 60 good 4 and 6-tooth 3-bred ewes at 41/6, while several lines of 2,4, 6 and 8-tooth (mostly 4 and 6-tooth) 3-bred ewes, sold at from 34/6 to 36/3. A pen of nice halfbred soundmouthed ewes made 36/9. Wethers sold up to late rates, but a few good lines were offering. The range of values was as follows: —Good t and 3-bred ewe hoggets 30/- to 33/6, ordinary 26/6 to 29/-; extra good 4 and 6-tooth 3-bred ewes, 41/6, good 34/- to 36/9; good sound-mouth bred ewes 32/- to 36/9, or^^ a . r^ 6 and 8-tooth J-bred ewes 26/3 to 31/-* forward 4, 6 and 8-tooth ibred wethers 31/- to 34/6; ordinary 26/6 to 30/6. Fat Sheep.—Thera was an average yarding of about 10 races, but it included many outstanding lines of both wethers and ewes, the standard throughout being a high one. Values held to late rates, except for light wethers, which were slightly easier by 1/-, but the keen competition of last week was absent. We sold several notable lines of sheep, topping the market in both the ewe and wether sections. Our sales included: Wethers —Account Mr Donald McDonald, Edendale, 70 up to 49/1. Account Mr S. Midgley, St. Andrews, 60 from 41/1 to 43/10. Account Mr C. Addington, Kirwee, 60 from 41/1 to 43/1. Ewes —Account Mr H. Muckle, Dorie, 60 up to 44/1} account Mr J. G. Millan, Waimate, 60 from 41/- to 48/10; and a truck account a Waimate client up to 41/1. yalues ranged as follows: Wethers, extra prime 44/- to 49/1, prime 39/« to 43/-, medium 88/6 to 38/6, light 28/6 to 33/-. Ewes, extra prime 38/- to 44/1, prime 33/- to 36/6, medium 29/- to 81/6, light .23/6 to 27/6. r Fat Lambs. —Only 485 head of fat lambs were yarded. The quality was very indifferent, and the sale as a whole lacked animation. We sold the two top-priced lines on account of Mr Geo. McLaughlin, Oulverden, up to 42/10, and on account of Mr T. Streeter, Motukarara, up to 40/10. Fat Cattle. —There was a goodsized entry of North Island steers to be yarded. We offered this line, which consisted of 60 nice weight Polled Angus steers. Top price for these was £lB/10/-. The market did not sustain last week’s advance, and prices were back by 20/- per head at least. We topped the market with a magnificent line of bullocks from Mr F. G. Birdling, of Birdling's Flat, which averaged £2O/2/6, one beast topping the market at £24/2/6. We quote: Extra prime heavy steers up to £24/2/6, prime steers £ls/10/- to £lB/10/-, medium steers £l3 to £ls/15/-; prime heifers £ll/10/- to £l4/7/6, medium heifers £9/10/- to £11; prime cows £ll to £ls/7/6, medium cows £8 to £lO/10/-. Fat Pigs.—A small entry of mixed quality met with a stronger demand, and prices advanced for both bacon and pork. Baconers averaged 6id to 7id per lb, and porkers from 7|d to Bd. Store Pigs.—ln spite of a heavier yarding than last week, competition was keen, and prices advanced appreciably. Good weaners made from 10/6 to 15/-. From the above it will be seen that Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd., secured top prices in the following sections: Fat wethers, fat ewes, fat cattle, fat lambs, also fat pigs.
HALL GB ° . LICENSED REAL ESTATE AGENT. Chief Agent—Mercantile & General Insurance Co. • Office 'Phone 1252. Private 724 M. CRAIGHEAD. Attractive 6-Roomed Plastered BUNGALOW, bathroom, with porcelain bath and basin, wardrobes built in, drying cupboards, back verandah and porch, front sun porch, nice level section. Deposit £2OO. PRICE—£I2SO. I HIGHFIELD. 6-roomed up-to-date home in this Desirable Locality, with electric light and gas, large sitting room, sunny breakfast room, leadlight windows, all conveniences under one roof. Section of 30 Perches, well planted, garage. £1250. • This property is being offered at £2OO below cost to realise. LOOK—£SO DEPOSIT. New 4-Roomed Cottage, h and c water, all conveniences. A home of your own, within easy reach. Balance 22/- weekly. PRICE £650. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. LIARDHEADED BUSINESS MEN rl choose the NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION when it comes to insuring their lives. They have very sound reasons fr insuring with the PREMIER LIFE OFFICE OF THE WORLD. Everybody needs a life insurance policy. For a cover on one’s life and for a particularly sound investment it cannot be surpassed. Insure to-day. Every class of policy written, Endowment, whole of life, limited life, Investment. Death Duties, and Children’s Insurance. NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCN. FRED GRUHN, DISTRICT AGENT. FIRE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Place your Fire and Accident Insurance with the GUARDIAN ASSURANCE CO., LTD., a sound progressive office of over one hundred years’ standing. Offices: HAY’S BUILDINGS, Corner of Slratballan and Stafford Streets.— Telephone 1060. McINTYRE’S Extra Strong Regulating Pills. Ladies recommend, them/ Sold everywhere. 5s 6d per bo*. \
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 16
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952Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 16
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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 16
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