a Nothing Succeeds like Success ” FINLAYSOWS GREAT FORWARD MOVE DESTINED TO PLACE THE FURNITURE TRADE OF SOUTH CANTERBURY ON THE MAP. Great Alteration Sale at the Big Shop in George Street. Twelve Thousand Pounds worth of Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, etc., to be slaughtered to make room for the workmen. SALE NOW ON Do not miss this Chance of Saving Pounds ON YOUR FURNITURE PURCHASE PRICES CANNOT BE REPEATED We are at your service for Cash or Terms. Be sure and take this opportunity for Real Bargains. AT THE BIG SHOP *N GEORGE STREET COME TO-DAY.
THE ACCOUNTANT’S PAT. When the pay-sheet of a. business is being made out, the, Accountant’s name comes near the top of the list. That’s because the Accountant’s sen vices are- of the utmost value to the business—-in fact, ‘his■ knowledge and skill are indispensable. ACCOUNTANCY QUALIFICATION with of 'responsibility, integrity, and high salary, is assured when you enrol as a student of Hemingway’s. For over 30 years Hemingway's have specialised in Postal tuition for the Professional Accountants’ Examination. They have presented by far the largest number of students, and secured THE LAP.GEST PERCENTAGE OF PASSES. Write To-day for Free. Book "Accountancy,”—the greatest value to all who intend entering this lucrative profession.' HEMINGWAY’S CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. P.O. Box 516, Auckland. Ttv' 1 SMOKERS! HERE’S JUST THE KIND OF CIGARETTE CASE YOU’VE BEEN WANTING, AND PRICED FROM 2,5/-. Yes! We hav& a fine range of Silver Cigarette Cases in Plain and New Fancy Engine Turned Patterns. They’re all snappy cases, that take up very little room in your pocket. Call in and inspect them. As f present one of these cases- would be ideal. REMEMBER! PRICES RANGE FROM 25/- AT G. & T. YOUNG, LTD. STAFFORD STREET : : TIMARU. SrSm WA w. J. HARDING <S CO., *@ipß m QQfiMV •< llli bm,m H gp. . MONUMENTAL MASONS AND SCULPTORS. All work guaranteed and neatly executed. Estimates giveu. Lowest prices. W. J. HARDING & CO., fard, Pane Avenue (re'.r Cemetery 1 Telephone ftSEHL GEO. MURDOCH, PAINTER, PAPERKANGER, ANTGLAZIER, BARNARD STREET, TIMARU. Opposite Trinity Church-
Page 15 Advertisements Column 6
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 15
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