VISITORS’ NIGHT AT Y.M.O.A. I Opportunity was offered tdiose interested in the Y.M.O.A. activities in Timaru to inspect! the promises in George Street on Tuesday evening, and to see for themselves the benefits to he do- . rived through membership. Nothing or a special nature was provided for the entertainment of tlhe visitors, who saw the Y.M.O.A. as it is on practically every night it is open. Pausing in through the main door in George Street tile visitors were first shown, a spacious lounge, wiilh its cheery fire and comfortable furnishings. This is the social, or club room for senior members, and is replete with the essentials for an enjoyable hour. The latest periodicals and magazines are to be found on the rending table, while a gramophone is a popular asset. Two billiard tables, m excellent, order, are largely used, while ping-pong tables and other games, provide firstl-class amusement.. The gymnasium is a feature of the Association; its roominess and equipment make it rank amongst the finest in New Zealand. This portion of the building . is largely used, and both senior and junior classes occupy the attention of the instructor. The junior class was. seen in action last evening. After a. few physical exercises, the boys were .allowed to indulge in a game of basket-ball, and the vim they put into tiheir game was good to see. . Opportunity was taken by the chairman of the Board (Mr C. G. VogeJer) to welcome the visitors, and to thank them for tho interest they were taking in the institution. He referred to the objects of the Association, and explained the efforts put forward to make the Timaru Association live up flo those objects. Hie Mayor (Mr G. J. "Wallace), gave an address for tho benefit of the youngsters. He first complimented the Y.M.O.A. on the work they were doing in Timaru, and wished them every sue- j eess. Jle paid a compliment to the j compactness of tho buildings, and to the : general atmosphere of comfort that was to be found in them. He told the boyis to always, look upon their fellows with a spirit of comradeship and goodwill, and that would be a big help to teem development as worthy citizens. They" should mingle together and display a spirit of comradeship and do everything passible to qualify them for tho role of good citizens.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 13
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 13
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