TEMUKA NORTH END BAKERY. \Y/ISH to notify the Public of Terr m uka and surrounding districts that they are prepared to cater for all classes of catering, such as Wedding Parties, Socials, and Clearing Sale*. ’ Haring been fire years in the em l ploy of Mr W. H. Budd, the wellknown caterer, we are able to give you the goods. A TRIAL SOLICITED. PIERCE AND JACKSON, north end bakery. Telenhone 121. CASH AND CARRY. to the people of temuka AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS. J. R. WATSON, STOREKEEPER, TEMUKA, Haß pleasure in announcing that from the 2nd inst., his Business will be conducted on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS. By this method of trading I am doing away with Bad Debts and Passing the Savings on to You. Compare Our Prices and Remember Our Slogan: MONEY SAVED, IS MONEY EARNED. RIG REDUCTIONS In Rlacksmithing and Motor Body Work. A. C. WATSON to notify the General Public at from the Ist March. 1928. prices 11 be as under:- —
HORSE SHOEING. t-tapKS 8/- Cash Harness' HORSES 9/- Cash DRAUGHTS 10/- Cash REMOVES HALE-PRICE. All BOOKING and SPECIAL SHOEING extra. All PJacksmlthing a/ equally lr-’ rates. _ MOTOR vVORI*. CI.OSED SIDES, lilted to any car from £l2 upwards. These are fitted tc the sides with Steel Frames and EXTRA HEAVY CELLULOID. int<ir (Ma purpose. 'ELECTRIC" DUCO LACQUER. IVo are now painting Cars by the latest method of application from £S upwards.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 12
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