IF. yon are Removing, let PRICE 1 ' BROS. know. They will do the work Cheaply, Promptly and Carefully. \V7ANTED—The Dairy Farmers of i** Waimate to prove bv trial that we give Entire Satisfaction in Weights, Test and Grade. WAIMATE CO-OP. DAIRY CO., LTD. £IO,OOO WORTH OF QUALITY * DRAPERY The Cream of Merchandise, selected carefully from the World’s Leading Manufacturers, is being offered at Breath-taking Prices at GRAHAM . & CLEAR'S 'THE WAIMATE AUCTION MART ‘ 1 are Offering the Cheapest Property on the Market at the present time. Drop in and get particulars. ’THE SAVOY TEA ROOMS are ; Second to None in WAIMATE. IJAVE you given PRICE BROS. , a turn for Petrol and Oil at their Service Stand, Gregson Street? TY/ANTED —The Dairy Farmers of Waimate district to ’Phone No. 222 or drop a line to Box 6G. and the WAIMATE CO-OP. DAIRY COY. Lorry will call regularly for their Cream. C. H. CHAMBERLAIN. Defy Country Customers to u Buy Groceries Cheaper than at our Cash Grocery Business, Waimate. WAIMATE WAIMATE PRICE BROS. ’ FOR GRAIN HAULING! Six Loyries at Your Service. V FURNITURE REMOVING, From Anywhere to Anywhere. Only Expert Packers and Removers Employed. PETROL, OIL, ETC., Procurable from Our Service Station, Gregson Street. PRICE BROS. WAIMATE WAIMATE l ' NEWALL AND JONES, WAIMATE, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS, “SAVOY” TEA ROOMS. Announce that their High-Quality Bread can now be obtained at MESSRS F. SIMPSON’S, STOREKEEPER, GLENAVY, AND AT G. CRAIG’S, BUTCHER, MAKIKIHI.
WAIMATE AUCTION COY., HIGH ST., WAIMATE. IS Acres Government Leasehold, 2 miles from rail, with good 3-roomed House and 2 acres raspberries, and over 1 acre in strawberries, together ■with crates and buckets. Price £I3OO. Ingoing £4OO. This is a real money maker, and an ideal property for general market and gardening purposes, and is cheap and a very substantial profit will be taken off this at the end of year. Inquire about this £2BOO. —363 ACRES Government Leasehold. Handy rail and scLvr. with good 5-roomed house and ail conveniences, woolshed and yards. Comfortably carry 500 ewes. This is a splendid little sheep property. Early inspection necessary.
Owing' to numerous requests from the Dairy Facers of OTAIO, ST. ANDREWS and PAREORA, Our Lorry will collect cream in the above district# on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS. For Satisfaction in WEIGHTS, TEST & GRADE, supply The WAIMATE CO-OPERATIVE DAIRY Co., Ltd. Box 66. WAIMATE. ’Phone 222.COLOSSAL SALE NOW ON. REDUCTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. 4 Only LADIES’ CREPE DE CHENE EVENING FROCKS. Usual Price, 4 5/Colossal Sale Price, 25/G Oiilv FADELESS WOOL KNITTED DRESSING JACKETS, Assorted Shades — Usual Price, 2 5/Colossal Sale Price, 14/G FADELESS SILK HOSE, in all the Wanted Shades — Usual Price, 2/11 Pair Colossal Kale Price 1/11 to Clear LADIES’ CASHMERE ALLWOOL HOSE, in fill New Shades— COLONIAL ALL-WOOL BLANKETS— Single Bed— 22/0 Pair Three-quarter Bed—. 32/fi Pair Double Bed— 42/- Pair 30in eh REVERSIBLE CRETONNES, Heavy Quality—1/- Yard to Clear ALL-WOOL REPPS, 38inch, in AH Shades-r Usual Price, 7/11 Yard Colossal Sale Price, 5/11 Yard. MEN’S ALL-WOOL PACT'S, Well Tailored and CutUsual Price, 75/- • Colossal Sale Price, 52/6 CLEAR, L t d-. USual Price, .2/11 Pair Colossal Sale Price, 2/11 Pair GRAHAM & THE HOUSE OF STERLING VALUE. Phone 23 WAIMATE
WEDNESDAY llth TO Wednesday 18th Half Price Pays The Farmers’ Sale WAIMATE
Page 12 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 12
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