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MOTHERS’ UNION. There was a large gathering of members at tho fourth annual meeting of tho St. Peter’s branch of the Mothers’ Union, held in the Parish Hail on Tuesday. Apologies were received from Mesdames C. E. Bremner, F. Salmon, D. Patterson, J. Talbot, and L. Talbot, who were unable to attend. Tlio president (Mrs G. N. Watson) read the annual report, and called on the secretary to read the balance sheet. Airs Routledgo moved the adoption oF tho report and balance sheet, which was seconded by Mrs G. L. Twenty-
man. , . ! A hearty vote of thanks, moved by Mrs Hayhurst, senr., was accorded Mrs Watson, on behalf of all the members, for her work as president for the year. Airs Hayhurst said she had much pleasure in proposing Mrs Watson as president again. Hus was carried unanimously. Airs .Watson returned thanks to all tlie members, and also to the secretary and committee, for their help during the year. The resignation of Airs C. E. Breinncr, one of the vice-presidents, was received with regret, and her valuable services will be very much missed. Airs Routledgo .was elected in her place. Airs F- Salmon was re-elected again as the other vice-president. The same secretary and committeo were elected, with the addition of two members, viz., Airs J. South and Airs Shiels. , ...... Archdeacon Purclias has kindly consented to address the next meeting. Members entertained the committee to afternoon-tea, and a vote of thanks was accorded them for their kindness. W-C.T.U. Tlie monthly meeting of the W.O.T.U. was held on Friday last, there being a fair attendance. Being AVhite Ribbon Day, Mrs Wilson (superintendent)? led tlie * devotional serDelegates were called for the annual meeting of the South Canterbury N.Z. Alliance, Airs J. Elder and Airs ,WCross consenting to attend. Alotions of sympathy were passed with the relatives of the late Airs Builer and Mrs Thornley, who were members of the Union, all present standing in silence. _ A meeting was arranged for 1/th. inst., the speaker to he Aliss AlcCorkindale. A prepared paper was read from the AVhite Ribbon editor, a’so extracts from the magazine, by Aliss AV. Hewson and Airs • Tilbrook. Ail account was given by Mrs Smith of Band of Hope work. A vote of thanks to Air J. Chateris for the gift of a clock for the rest room was passed. Afternoon-tea was then served, and the sum of one pound was raised from the sale of goods brought in, the money to be sent to the organising fund.
FOOTBALL. The following will represent Temuka Dairy Factory v. Alaons, at Victoria Park to-day. —Brogden, Bray, Taylor, Palmer, Fisher, AVard, Ste Wart, Gaffaney, Norton, Leonard, Higinbottom, Bennett,' Horgan, Blytli, Agnew, Jamieson, Topliam, Fahey, Cameron, Hayhurst, Stanley. Playing in the country section,' of the South Canterbury schools’ competition yesterday afternoon, Temuka Primary beat Pleasant Point by y points to 3. For the winners, Brown scored a try, which Jamieson converted.. This player also potted a goal. For tho losers, Angus lucked a goal from a free kick. Mr G. Jackson was referee. Jn this competition, Temuka have won the three games they have.played. BASKETBALL.* The following teams from the Temuka Basketball Cub will play against Geraldine in the Domain, Temuka, today at 2.30. — A. Team. —L. Radford, P. Divan, C. Kay, R. Aleck, A\ r . Sinclair, AI. AVasliington, H. Goodman, J. Brownlee, J. Douglas. B. Team.—E. AlcGarva, E. Smith, Al. Gibb, I. Foster, T. Goodman, R. Davis, N. Clark, S. Palmer, A"’. Tay.’or. Emergencies.—D. Allfrey, AI. Gale, AI. Cameron.
The following is the result of the basketball matches, played between Temuka School and Pleasant Point yesterday. — A. Team. —Temuka 28, Pleasant Point 20. Junior Team.—Temuka 18, Point 4. Misses Sullivan and Olliver refereed the games. LADIES’ HOCKEY. The forowing will represent the Tej.niuka Ladies’ Hockey Club in a match against Geraldine at Temuka to-day commencing at 2.15. —M. Horrack, C. | Hope, M. i’ozer, Mrs Eisher, E. New- ■ man, forwards; Al. Morris, P. Ware-' ing. Y. Murray, halts; R. Green, A. Davis, backs; A. Hannifin,. goal; emergency. —E. Smith. SCHOOL COMMITTEE. The monthly meeting of the Temuka 'District High School Committee was licid on Tuesday evening. Present.— Messrs A. E. Smith (chairman), A. W ■ Bujhui, J. R- Longson, L. G. Scrimshaw, YV. Mowson, C. L. hiasci, R. Beck, J. Henry, Al. Swap (secretary). ( The chairman said that, regarding the Watt Lowry School, he had given
ilr Porter a list of requirements, but they had not yet come to hand. ! ’pile Board forwarded the quarterly 'incidental allowance as 1 ollou s. le- | muka £4l Lis Id; Watt Lowry £9 5s Dental Nurse Mowat reported that the number of operations carried out during the month of June totalled 143. °These included children in tho Orari, Winchester, and Temuka Schools. , . , , I The Board reported that the assistant architect had boon asked to repair or renew the fireplace in Standards 5 and 6, and to rep'ace the fireplace in the dining-room at tho headmaster's ; residence. j The chairman said Lhat Mr Porter j had 'inspected the fireplaces and tin; iwork was to be carried out. The wash ! hand-basin was being filled up now. I The headmaster said that Air Worthington was taking the junior class and !Mr Campbell the senior in typeivritI The headmaster (Air AN. L. llarri- ! son) reported that the attendance for i Just quarter was —Primary 355, SeeI ondarv (17. The roll was now—Primary 1380. Secondary 73. The gramophone ilmd now arrived, but only lour records i hml been sent, and more were urgently required. Every damp day, moisture appeared on practically every vad in the school, running down in drops and not drving until the weather improved, i Aliss Slattery was absent, during the i month on sick leave, and Aliss Halpin I
was relieving in her place. The library ofi the whole school required reorganising. as it had gradually been depleted, and now there are only 80 volumes on the shelves. During the month, the secondary department played football and basketball matches with Timai Technical and Pleasant 1 omt W School, having the good fortune to win all the matches. The primary play Pleasant Point and Geraldine, the results being—Football, Temuka 3, Point 0; Temuka 11, or ® l^, “ e n! llasketball—Temuka A. 22, Point 8, Temuka B. 4, Point 16; Temuka 14, Geraldine 16. . , , For the visitors, Messrs Smith and Swap, the former said that he had visited the school several times during the month, and as far as ho could see everything was in good order. Messrs Swap and Smith were appointed visitors for the month. Accounts amounting to £36 7s lid were passed for payment. WINCHESTER MINIATURE RIFLE CLUB. The weekly shoot took place on Monday evening, the following being the scores, including handicap.—W. Jackson 30-35; H. J. Hopkins 32-35; JCripps 31-35; S. Priest 32-35; A. Scott 34; A. Reilly 32; A. Cripps 34; B. Opie 31; C. C. Opie 30; W. AVaple 30; Jim Cripps 30; H. Norman 32; W. Pearse 33; AV. L. Gudsell 34; L. Mason 30. . ' J. Cripps proved the winner or Mr C. Cornwell’s trophy, with the possible off the rifle. r WINCHESTER v. CLANDEBOYE. The following will represent AVinichester against Clandeboye at Clandeboye.—AV. Gudsell, A. Scott, AV. Pearse,'J. Cripps, A. Cripps, L. Mason, E. R. O’Neil, B. Opie, C. C. Opie, H Hopkins, Jim Cripps, W. Jackson. (Cars will leave Langford s comer a t 7.15). ■ • GOLF. ’ The following will represent Temuka in the match against. Fairlie, at Temuka, on Saturday, commencing at 10 a.m.— m Men. —Fraser, Tennant, Pearse, Stephens, Smart, Taylor, McLeod, Edwards, Malcolm, Franklin. Ladies. —Mrs Guild, Miss Scrimshaw, Mrs McLeod, Mrs Dick, Miss Oldfield, Miss Bremner. The card handed in by Mrs M. Guild last week was for a handicap round only.
PERSONAL. Mrs T. Edwards, accompanied by her son Bruce, left Temuka yesterday to spend a holiday in Dunedin. NOTES. The Temuka Sales and Agency Co. draw special attention to the auctiou of furniture and sundries to be held to-day (Thursday) at 2 p.m.-» An agent Will be in attendance opposite the -public saleyards from first thing in ’ the morning. Any pigs, .poultry, and live stock will- be • offered. ... ' An- open night will be given by Harry Gunn’s Temuka pupils in Watson’s "Hall to-morrow' evening at 7.30. The spinsters and bachelors of AVinchester will hold their ball on Thursday. PICTURES TO-NIGHT. Southern seas and strange ports play ilieir glamorous parts in “Bitter Appies,” starring Monte Blue, showing at Temuka to-night. “Bitter Apples” is a lushing melodrama, with vengeance as its theme. Monte Blue is splendidly east, as the son •of a defaulting banker, who, on s> trip around the world, is pursue dby a revengeful lady who woos and wins him, in order to have a more intimate means of torturing him. Myrna Loy, a most exotic and mysterious personality, is cast as the girl. In the supporting pictures, the second chapter of the serial, “Blake of Scotland Yard,” together with a gazette, scenic and comedy will be screened.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 12
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1,500TEMUKA. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 12
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TEMUKA. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 12
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