DON’S GREAT “MIDWINTER ” SALE commences in the Showroom and Hosiery Departments. HOSIERY BARGAINS. SILK AND WOOL HOSE, Good Shades, Heavy Weight— Original Price 5s lid Don’s Midwinter Sale 3s 11d 'IOOO Pairs ART. SILK RQSE, all Shades— _ ' ”* 1 Priced Is lid and 2s 6d. Doms Midwinter Sale to’ pair. " 12 Dozen Coloured CASHMERE ' HOSE, Best Shades—, , ' : Usually. 2s lid. Midwinter Sale 2s 6d pair. Bond’s “Triplewear” SULK HO§E (Silk to Che. Knee only), gopd Colours— -Originally 7s 6d pr. Don’s Midwinter 2sodpr. “VEDONIS” VESTS,- • heavy winter weight—Our Price 3s lid. ' Midwinter Sale 3s 3d. flannelette NIGHTDRESSES—- ( Priced at 4s lid. Don’s Midwinter, all 2s lid. ALSO HUNDREDS OP BARGAINS IX MODEL FROCKS. I m 0 s: CM/ ft Washing Powder i v vmsms \ Beautifully CIrEAN Better than Soap tXXONLY 2d. A BACKET V COPERBUB PACKING j V'V \. Co< ITO- / j . OHBSBTOHTreOH^^r * taic.
“You can’t kill a * I 99 j We’ve tried it. Last Winter, j for instance, we supplied men ! with the most in Pyjama comfort that's possible. , Yet not ONE of our clients’ ghosts came back to haunt us! Many, indeed, returned in the flesh to THANK us! A line of the same popular Winter Weight Pyjamas has arrived for THIS WINTER. Styles are smart and many. Qualities are excellent. Prices range from 8/11 to 82/0. MEN’S & BOYS’ OUTFITTERS, Stafford Street, Ttn&ru.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 11
Word Count
Page 11 Advertisements Column 6
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 11
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