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McGRUER, «£& Ef wg . ©- 53HHSil5IIH3Iiail!nHniimaiil£liIi!i!I!HHi!!II!!ii;!;si!::!!;:i«i!iniIiI£I!II:i??j!!!IfI:IIIIIIIIIII!I::ni:IIII!I!!IHII!fIiHI!I!!H!II!IHHHiHIIHIini!lII!lli!in A -TB “JUBILEE m S5SS?3SSIIH3SI!iH!lin!IIi!!UllijIIiniIIiJ!I!UIII!IiI3i!sn!i31HlH!!III3fiHSSHI!;IIIi!iIi!!IIIiIIiIIH!HHf!lIHlIl!IHIIIII-:IIII;;HIII!?nHH!HII!:::!:nHIU:iIf:IP r?P‘ f ' A fiftsick 7 run through ©sir Ureas Oepartineßt ;| suggested the foiSowiog -outstaeidiftf; B&rgaisiSa & There cro many, more. 40m. SILTEX; the new Fadeless Fab- 54m All Wool VELOUR COATING, BROCHE SILKS; a very large assort wall Aoueieue Gneciv m Brown and ment q; lovely colourings; v.sgf Fawn about HO yarus or eucil to sell strong and durable for Oushlb^rtK Very iieavy. quanty. Usually aid at rlrupings, coat-linings etc. (call itfip 16/b. Must be cleared. inspect or write ior samples). bale Bargain 5/11. Sale Bargains 6/11. xio tor Lingerie and all muses of Un uercldthing. We guarantee tins material to wasli and boil without lading ; every appearance or silk and wears batter. Sale Bargai.% 1/11. Double Width Coloured WINCEYS foi Cosy Underclothing. Colours include Pink, Sky, Hello. Cream. Look at the price. Sale Bargain 1/-. SENSATIONAL SALE BARGAINS FROM THE WOOLLEN SECTION. 10in All Wool REPPS; this is one at our standard lines which ;.w@ sell extensively tor Coats, Frocks, Costumes, Etc. Wonderful value, secure some while at this low pne Sale Bargain 6/6. o6in All Wool Stripe DRESS FLANNEL ; best Bruce Mill make; usually sold at IH.'6. A big lot to clear at this low price; will make very cosy Dresses, biurts, hu:. Sale Bargain 4/11. <s4in All Wool GABERDINE in Nigger Brown, and Dark Fawn ?vd Light Grey (a rare snip) heavy quality; usually sold at 16/6. Must be ciemcd Sale Bargain 6/6. 54in. Plain Wool VELOUR; cosy and warm tor winter Top Coats. Colours, Navy, Rose, Fawn, Mushroom. Saxe, Brown, Etc. Sale Bargain 7/6. 40in. WOOL CREPE; the very latest in the dress line; colours, fawn, saxe, grey, flame, etc. Sale Bargain 3/11 FOX NAVY S^RGE; guaranteed fast uye; iieavy make specially bougnt tor boys' trousers aha gins' jengu School vfeur. extra low price while our sale lasts. Sale Bargain 5/IT. 54in All. Wool GREY SUITING; a good hard-wealing material; special lor Boys’ Suits and Trousers; also would make good costumes, yvi,il not take the dust. Usual price 16/6. Sale Bargain 7/11. 40in BILTC and WOOL MAROCAIN; shades Sky, Lemon; two pieces to clear; this splendid silk will make ' pretty evening dresses; alsn men warm Underclothing. Usually sold at 16/6. Must go. Sale Bargain 5/6. 40in Check “KASHA” CLOTH, with plain to match; a very large i ssortment to choose from: all the very latest for Jumper Suits. Skirts. Etc. Sale Bargain 5/11 and 8/11. VTYELLA, Checks and Plains to match This is well known for its good washing and wearing; the very latest. Sale Bargain 5/6 SATIN DE LUX. Satin de Lux. Satin de Lux. Every wanted shade in stock; the silk finished cotton for underwear, etc. Sale Bargain 1 /-. FUJI SILK; our heavy quality .guaranteed all silk; secure some of our great sal® .bargains. Sale Bargain 1/7£ Silk Finished POPLIN, for cushions, curtains, drapings, etc.; colours sl;y, red, saxe, marone, rose, bottle, brick, cream, i».c. Sale Bargain 1/11 SENSATIONAL , BARGAINS FROM THE SILK COUNTER. ~ C BLACK SILK COATINGS; fancy designs ; all the latest for smart coats'.; a sacrifice at this low price; beaut.i* ful dye and ilnish (six coat lengths to sell) Sale Bargain 6/111 54in. All Wool BLANKET CLOTH for dressing gowns, etc.; h lovely warm and cosy material in all gocki cqlouis j red, lieiio, saxe, marone, sky, etc! ■■■ ; Sale Bargain 2/j 36in. LINGERENE;' p, wonderful, TSaif gain for underwear; wears and washes well; colours sky, helio, pinkj lemon, white. Buy this; while it lasts. SalA Bargain 1/. 40in. All Wool Fancy CHARM ALIN l| fa’ new fabric tor smart dresses; alt good shades of baxe. Rose, Cocon, Cornikr.yer, Etc. Great vaiucf at this low price: Sale Bargain 3/17) - - /fk ■; • -m- .tt BLACK DUCHESS MOUSE UNE SATIN; a heavy quality silk foi’ Dresses, Blouses. Coats. Etc. Secure some while it lasts. Usually sold a* 12/6. Sale Bargain 5/fE W? :v‘'vvUfti.. HcGBUEif, oA¥l£S & ,C©. . ;, '
©nr Aim NOT TO SELL YOU A RING ABOVE YOUR PRICE BUT TO GIVE YOU THE BEST VALUE AT YOUR PRICE. FOR THE ENGAGEMENT RING ■ IRY “TREASURE STAFFORD CORNER” STREET F. 1 DUNN -*®»* iiuntitxittiit 1 H it £9 JUST LANDED New Cycles, British Built Throughout | Brehaut Bros. n f I | Aro offering Exceptional Value in Cycles. Fully Guaranteed, Equipped to your own order. AT THE LOW PRICE OF £9 H " INSPECTION INVITED. EASY TERMS ARRANGED. Brehant Bros i 9 TIJL4.RU r.nd GERALDINE ÜBS «T\l i m 4 N m !*., V PIP mm lp~ r tf- ■—"jH&B ti XSr.i sm MV, yi’-’ 'A Its The finest small car in the World. SSS Built by the makers of the famous Motor-Cycle. Write for catalogue to South Island Distributors, BOYDS MOTORS, LTD, Ch. Ch. Cl >} * 1 ?mw •* ? n
KEEP winter chills at bay the : “Unique” Hot Water, Bag A. product of North British Rubber 1 Co., therefore reliable and will givelong service. .
THERE’S a nip in the air I Time to buv your “Unique” Hot Water Bottle. The best because British. None genuine without “Un'quo” on stopper. 12,
Wooda’ Great Peppermint Cura For Influenza Colds.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 10
Word Count
841Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 10
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.