EVERYONE IS WAITING FOR THE MAGNET JUBILEE SALE ——The Magnetic Attraction during the Jubilee period. Commencing MONDAY, oth JULY—an event you will remember. Bargains you won’t forget. LADIES’ TWEED COATS, Plain and Check Materials?— Usual Price, 39/6 Jubilee Sale Price; 12/0 LADIES’ VELOUR COATS, Mole Shade, Pur Collar—' Usual Price, 49/6 Jubilee Sale Price, 10/6 LADIES’ REPP FROCKS, Navy, Yawn. Saxe, AppleUsual Price, 105/Jubilee Sale Price, 49/0 LADIES’ CARDIGANS, in Wool,, and Silk and WoolUsual Price, 12/6 Jubilee Sale Price,' 7/0 (M. Healy) LADIES’ and GENTS* OUTFITTERS Stafford Street, Timaru The Magnet Stop that Coughs and , colds are dangerous and unless ■ checked, t .may lead to severe" illness—especially at this time of the year. Take Totty’s RED SPRUCE COUGHMIXTURE '•—the soothing, healing balsam, "«nd say good-bye . to. winter coughs and colds. Is. Gd. and 2s. 6d."f per bottle from leading chemists, or write I'^TOTTyH Chemist, Ashburton. •1 : 8 Grantchester Schools Highfield, Timaru.J§ " ' jsl Preparatory School lor Boys between the ages of 7 and. 14i; Prospectus on application to the Principal, who will be pleased to Interview Parents by appointment. Principal: ?$£ MR J. D. H. BUCHANAN, B.Ai, Pembroke College, Cambridge. (Late of Christ’s College),' ’ Address: 300 OTIPUA ROAD, TIMARU. Telephone 1336, ~ ' _____ ■ ’ ' - TIIE COSIEST SALOON IN TIMARU. Have Your Shave,or Haircut in.this Most Modern Hairdressing Salpon. Warm All Day Long. Quick Service! Clean Service! Good Service. TWO CHAIRS; NO WAITING. ROWLAND WATSONi LADIES’ AND GENT’S HAIRDRESSER and TOBACCONIST, Bookseller' and News Agent, ~ DOMINION HILL. Razors Ground and Set. Pipes,. All Shapes and Makes. TIMARU HmemDMthnofHinK tm Checker Cab Go. PHOI^iE flTi TWO NINE FOUR BOCKAERTS GARAGE DECORATING B Let us show you how to add I M charm and cheerfulness to’your I H homo this Winter. Call to-day I D and choose from: our Artistic |j Wallpapers. Prices to draw I exclamations of delight. Craigie’s |‘The Home Decorators,” Cain’s Terrace. iPhone 82.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 5
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 2
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