professional. FAIRLIE. C. H. GRESSON . . . DENTIST, Stafford Street, Timaru, VISITS FAIRLIE EVERY TUESDAY 9.30 to 5. Consultations at Mrs Slow’s Residence, Gorge Road. P. B. COCJRTIS, Dental Surgeon : Stafford Street. Opposite National Bank. Hours: 9 to 5.30. 'Phones: House 112. Surgery 1287. MR F. T. WILKIN, SURGEON DENTIST, LIAS COMMENCED PRACTICE .in *"*■ the Premises lately occupied by Mr C. Paterson, Stafford Street North. ’Phone 446. MARSHALL AND DON. DENTISTS, STRATH ALLAN ST. A. L. Marshall visits Geraldine Every Wednesday. Consulting Rooms, Crown Hotel. , _ . J. H. Don, 8.D.5., visits Fairlie Ist and 3rd Tuesdays each month. Consulting Rooms Residence of Mis 3 Binney, Mount Cook Road. MR C. H. WILLIAMSON, VETERINARY PRACTITIONER, (REGD.) Has Commenced the Practice of his Profession in Timaru, and may be consulted at the Windsor Hotel. ’Phone 106. £3OOO. W B have the above Amount and Various Smaller Amounts Available to Lend on Mortgages. BRADY AND McRAE, Solicitors, Oxford Buildings. Telephone 631. DEBENTURES. T HAVE FOR SALE, on behalf of a * Client—--2 Christchurch Drainage Board Debs., 5* per cent. 1 Christchurch City Council Deb., 5i per cent. 3 Auckland Power Board, 5i per cent. Inquiries invited for any of above. FRANK J. COOK, Public Accountant, Oxford Buildings. PREMIUM BOND CORPORATION LIMITED, npHE COMPANY transacts the ■ Business of Financial Brokers, Trade Assignees, and Debt Collectors. Prompt Settlements. Lowest Rates. Registered Office: Oxford Buildings. FRANK J. COOK, SECRETARY, ’Phone 1115. W. D. REVELL, F.P.A., N.Z., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR, , LICENSED SHAREBROKER. Chief Agent Sun Insurance Office, TALBOT CHAMBERS, BESWICK STREET, TIMARU. Telephone 695. A. C. MARTIN, F.1.A..N.Z. LICENSED SHAREBROKER, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. Telephone 235. P.O. Box 63. FINANCIAL. I HAVE MONEY AVAILABLE for Second Mortgage of Town Property, and on Chattel Security; algo for the Purchase of Mortgages. L. J. O’CONNELL, SOLICITOR, Teaapo Buildings, Stafford Street I HAVE MONEY TO LEND y~SN Pianos, Furniture, Sewing Machines, etc, without removal; repayable by easy weekly instalments, confidential. HARRY ELLWOOD, 98 STAFFORD STREET, TIMARU, And 123 ARMAGH ST.. CHRISTCHURCH
CHIROPRACTIC. "The Science that properly applied brings health.” T. O. KINNEY, Grad. P.S.C. Mem. N.Z. and A.C.A. Chiropractic Rooms, Tekapo Bldgs., Stafford St., Timaru. Tel. 184. Hours Saturday 9.30 to 12.80. TO MOTORISTS AND GARAGE PROPRIETORS.\Y/E wish it known that we hare W installed an UP-TO-DATE PLANT for Re-grinding; Cylinders and Pistons of Motor Cars, Tractors, and Motor Cycles. All Work Guaranteed. GILES AND THOMPSON, Engineers and Motor Cycle Repairers, Opp. Gas Works, Arthur Street. FOR FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY TRY GEORGE BAIKIE THE ROSEWILL DAIRY . ..... (Opposite the Grand Lounge.) ' The cost is no more there and the conditions under which the Milk and Cream are kept, are ideal. SALE. SPECIAL OVERCOAT WEEK. SPECIAL SELECTION, INCLUDING Burberry’s, Dexter’s, Lynx, and All Other Renowned Makes of Raincoats. TO CLEAR AT ALMOST COST PRICES. LOT GENT’S TWEED OVERCOATS. We have an Extensive Stock of these Coats in High Grade Quality and Latest Designs, of the Be3t British Production. TO BE SOLD AT COST PRICES. SEE OUR SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAY.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 2
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