NEVER BEFORE HAVE TXMARUVIANS BEEN OFFERED THE GIGANTIC BARGAINS TFT AT ARE NOW REING SHOWN AT ALSTON’S SALE. LADIES’ HAND BAGS. A Big Selection All Greatly Reduced. Usual Price 40/- now 27/-; 32/now 22/-; 25/- now 18/-; 18/9 now 12/-. UNDERARM BAGS—--40- now 29/-; 35/- now 23/-; 30/- now 15/-; 25/- now 16/-; 20/- now 10/-; 12/6 now 7/6; 4/11 now 3/11. POUCH BAGS, Soft Leather, the Latest Style—--32/6 now 23/-; 28/- now 21/-; 20/- now 15/-; 18/- now 13/9. SUNSHINE PURSES, Solid Leather, with Small Inside Purse. Usual Price 10/9 now 5/-; 6/6 now 3/11; 8/6 now 4/6; 6/now 2/6; 7/11 now 2/6; 3/6 now 2/3. FRAME BAGS—--30- now 15/-; 25/- now 12/-; 20/- now 10/-; 18/- now 8/6; 13/9 now 6/-. STATIONERY. 100 Page Writing Tablet, Good Quality Paper. Alston’s Price, 6d Each. 100 Page Block — Usual Price 1 Price 9d Good Quality Envelopes— Usual Price 6d pkt. Now 4 Pkts 1/Blue or White Mimosa Envelopes— Usual Price 6d, Now 3 Pkts 1/-. Good Quality Linen, Tissue Lined Envelopes in Mauve, White, Blue. Usual Price Bd, now f*d pkt. BUSINESS ENVELOPES, Extra Strong 4 Pkts 1/-; 8/6 per 1000. HAIR BRUSHES, Real BristleUsual Price 9/6 now 4/11; 8/6 now 4/9; 6/6 now 3/6; 2/6 now lOd. Whalebone on Ebony— Sale Prices 4/11 and 3/11. COMBS, Black Only—--7/6 now 2/6; 3/- now 1/6; 2/now 1/-; 1/9 now lOd. FANCY GOODS. Coloured Honey Jars— Usual 3/6 now 2/6. Glass Powder Bowls —2/9 now 1/6. Photo Frames^ — 1/3 now 9d. Tooth Brushes — 1/- now 6d. Cuticura and Rexona Soap— Now 1/1 Cake. Big Bath Soap— 3 Cakes 1/3. Eau de Cologne-—l/9 and 1/- Bottle. Pond’s Face Cream— 1/6 Bottle. AT THE GIGANTIC SALE.
THE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES COMPANY HAS POWER TO ACT: 1. As Executor and Trustee under a Will. 2. As Trustee under Marriage or other Settlement. 3. As Trustee in place of other Trustees, who may wish to be relieved from their Trusts. 4. As Agent 'for Executors, Trustees or Administrators, who may prefer to have skilled agents to act for them in the Administration of Estates. 5. As Attorney under power or Agent either for persons resident abroad or for persons about to leave the Dominion, or resident in the Dominion. All Business Strictly Confidential. THE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES COMPANY LIMITED, L. S. ABERNETHY, District Manager Oflices: 153 Stafford Street, Timaru. Also at Dunedin, Christchurch, Oamaru and Invercargill. W. J. LISTER, FUNERAL FURNISHER. LATEST MOTOR SERVICE. 87 Stafford Street. ’Phono 142. Residence, 36 Bank St. ’Phone 167. Aiex. Henderson & Co., UNDERTAKERS. (Successor to J. RadCltffe.} PREMISES: ARTHUR STREET, (Opposite Public Library.) Business ’Phone 961. Alex. Henderson Wra. Bird, 40 Sell on St. 4 s juvan3 Street. Telephone 1183. Telephone 1271. MODERN MOTOR SERVICE.
Page 8 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 8
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