THE CENTRAL JEWELLER LEADS FOR GIFT GOODS IN material and style, WITH THE QUALITY THAT MAKES FOR PERMANENCE. OPTICIAN CHIROPODY. Disabilities of the Feet, Corns, Callouses, Ingrown Nails, Metatursalgia, Weak Feet, Flat Feet, Chilblains, treated by Up-to-date Methods at the Chiropody Department. Hot Sea Baths. ’Phone 266 R for Appointment. Also Massage, Electricity, Hot Sea Baths. VINCENT C. PIKE, Regd. Masseur, N.-Z.T.M.A., in attendance. HAROLD V. FIRMAN, (Dental Surgeon!. Will Practise in Geraldine EVERY WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. PUBLIC TYPING AND DUPLICATING SERVICE. Rents and accounts collected, etc. Income Tax Returns Prepared. D. D. PETRIE, General Commission Agent, Stafford Street, Timaru. Telephone 513 T. RAYMOND, RAYMOND, AND CAMPBELL, SOLICITORS, TIMARU. RAYMOND, RAYMOND, AND BARKLIE, SOLICITORS, GERALDINE. Have Money to Lend on Freehold Security at Lowest Current Rates. J. LEGGOTT, ‘ F.P.A.N.Z., F.C.A.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR, COST ACCOUNTANT. A.M.P. BUILDINGS : : : TIMARU. GEO. JOHNSON, ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR, STAFFORD BUILDINGS, TIMARU. Telephone 747. P.O. Box 224 ALFRED W. V. VINB, F.R.C.0., A.R.C.M., L.R.A.M., Tuition given on Organ and Pianoforte; in Singing, Voice Production, Theory, of Music, Harmony, an 1 Counterpoint, Elementary and Advanced. Term begins from First Lesson. Address: . 56 ELIZABETH STREET. GASH AND GARRY STORE. No Delivery. No Canvassing. No Books. * No Discounts. s. d. Lanndrine Soap, Ist Grade, Large Bar ......... 1 2 ■Reliance Soap, 2nd Grade, Large Bar .. .. .... 1 1 Victory and Velvet Soap, per Bar .......... 0 61 Edmonrt’R Baiting Powder .. 1 4 Seeded Raisins, Trio, 3 Pkts 1 4 Dates, Pkts., Dromedary, Special *. . 0 7 Dates, Pkts., Garden of Eden lor 1 2 Figs, lib. Box, Protoben .1 0 Cocoa, Loose, English A GriWi . . 1 2 Eno’s Fruit Salts .. 3 6 Andrew’s Liver Salts 3 0 Kraft Cheese, per Pkt. Oil Whitebait, Tins 2 9 Weet Bix, 12oz. Pkt .... 0 11 21b Pkt ~ 110 Granose, 12oz. Pkt. 0 1\ 31b Pkt .... X 3 Our Prices are always the Lowest Possible! J. A. NORRIE, HAY’S BUILDINGS, 241 STAFFORD STREET. Telephono 484. ESTABLISHED 1874. S. McBRIDE, MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS direct from Italy and Scotland. CONCRETE KERBINGS and LETTERING done in Any Cemetery. □ MONUMENTAL MASON, 29 SOPHIA STREET, TIMARU. Nothing'Too Big, Nothing Too Small. Ring Telephone 572. DON’T just ask for a Hot water bottle. Ask for a '‘Unique” Hot Water Ban; and learn what safe, cosy comfort really is. Look for name “Unique” on stopper. JO.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 8
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