nes j MORE BARGAINS Everything Reduced but the Value & \T\S \YV {ihe remainder of tills seftioh** Black and Navy Model* In Velvet, Satin, Velour, etc, TO CLEAR AT 25/-. f CHILDREN'S MTULINEKY. An Opportnnitjr Woftti taking ft Pelt, Plushette, Suede Cloth. All # SUITS, at Further Reduced Price*. Prices, Bgns and 00/11. TO GUBAR, 4/«, S/11, 6/11* 7/6, TO CLEAR, 21/- EACH. LADIES’ PRINCESS BMPS. Oresm and Colours. TO GUBAR, 4/11 BAGEL ■f \ ■ i . ■ 0 Only CREAM TEDDY CLOTH ' ' GOATS. filzes 1 flinch, ISinch, 20inch. ' Usually 27/6 to 87/6. TO CLEAR, 16/6 to 21/% A Few Only CREAM RIBBED WOOL VESTS. Women’s Size. Short Sleeves. Usually 11/8. ( TO CLEAR, 7/6. 6 PERSIAN" FOX CHOKERS. Silk and Grepe do Chene Lining. Usual Price, 4Jgns to sgns. TO CLEAR, Signs. f 6, Only REPP COATS. Fully Lined Silk. Suitable for Spring Wear, Newest Shades of Beige, Fawn, Blue and Grey. Usual Price, Signs to Signs. UNEXCELLED VALUE AT £4/19/6. seinch RING VELVET. B4lnch ALL-WOOL REPPS. The Fashionable Fabric for Eveningln the Newest Shades, for Frocks '"d Wear. In Dainty Shades, also Black. Costumes. Usual Price, 29/6. Regular Price, 14/6. SALE PRICE, 21/% SALE PRICE, 12/6. 3 Dozen STENCILLED CANVAS SHOPPING BAGS. Assorted Colours and Design*. ALT. 1/8 EACH. BACK NUMBERS PICTORIAL REVIEW MAGAZINES. SALE PRICE, 6d EACH. FITTED WORK BASKETS. For School Girls. .Usually 2/6, 8/6, 4/11, 5/11, _ SALE PRICE, 1/9, 2/6, 8/0, 4/6. A GOOD VARIETY OF FUR TRIMMINGS. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. RECORD VALUE IN GLOVES. Ladies' Gloves, Elbow Length. In Doeskin, Suede and Kid. Grey, Fawn, Black, Brown. Prices from 14/6 tp 22/6. CHOICE FOR 6/11 PAIR, HOLEPROOF RAYON HOSE. Silk to Top. Usual Price, 5/11 Pair. BALE PRICE, 8/11 PAIR 3 Only GOLD BOXES BATH DUSTING POWDER Usual Price, 8/0. SALE PRICE, 5/11. CELLULOID POWDER BOWLS. With Powder Puff. In Several Shades. Usual Price, 8/11, 4/6. SALE PRICE, 2/11, 8/6. LADIES’ MACINTOSH APRONS. In Floral Designs in Red, Brown, Green. Usual Price, 4/9. SALE PRICE, 8/11. NECK FRILLINGS and FRONTINGS In Net and Muslin. Usual Price, 8/6, 8/11, 4/11. ALL 1/- YARD. 16 Ends 81 inch FADELESS SHIRTING. Neat Stripes. Regular Price, 1/8 Yard. SALE PRICE, 1/- YARD. WINTER WEIGHT PYJAMAS. All Sizes. Excellent Value. Usual Price, 17/6, 12/6, SALE PRICE, 15/-, 10/% MEN’S SHIRTS. Collars to Match. Good .Design' Recommended for Service. Usual Price, 18/6, 12/6, 11/6SALE PRICE, 8/11. MEN’S AIL-WOOL SADDLE TWEED TROUSERS. Our Own Make. Guaranteed for Hard Wear. Usual Price, 25/-, SALE PRICE, 21/% SPECIAL LINE OF MEN’S GARBARDINE TROUSERS. For Smart and Serviceable Wear. Usual Price, 17/6. SALE PRICE*, 18/9. 15 Pieces 36inch GOOD QUALITY PYJAMA STRIPED 1 FLANNELETTE. Regular Price, 1/9 liard. SALE PRICE, lljd Yard. POSTAGE PAID ON DRAPERY PARCELS, " DISCOUNT: 1/- OFF EVERY £CASH 0 accounts. ILY
Page 6 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 6
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